Well JT is a CTO, so I’m sure his agenda is quite busy. But based on past experience I know they definitely read our feedback. So these conversations are good to have.
I still see quite a few people wanting a feature to get payouts on request and pay the transaction fee. I already insinuated here that you can basically do this by using the zkSync option. But I kind of left this part hanging.
So, lets do some math to quantify this.
I previously did some research here to see how much more expensive a zkSync withdrawal would be. Turns out there are 2 scenarios, if you were planning to only move part of your balance, zkSync withdrawal costs only 2-3% more. If you plan to move your entire balance, that transaction would be cheaper on L1 and so zkSync would cost about 44% more. For mathematical convenience sake I’ll round that down to 40% more. You’ll see why later. But keep in mind that it’s slightly more.
In most cases, you wouldn’t want to hit the payout if the transaction fee would be more than 25% of the payout. I know I would definitely wait until that percentage is much lower. So lets say an ERC20 transaction on L1 costs $10. With payout on demand you would wait until you have at least $40 before requesting payout. And at that point you receive the remaining $30.
Now lets look at this scenario with zkSync. We’re going to assume you want to transfer your entire balance, because with how small the difference is if you want to transfer part of your balance there isn’t even a question of what is the better option. So, you will have to pay 40% more and the withdrawal cost would be $14. But, instead of making $40 you would have gotten a 10% bonus and actually have $44. Subtract the $14 transaction costs and you end up with the same $30 you would have if you had the option to payout on demand while paying transaction fees.
Of course if you wait longer, say until you have $100, you’d actually end up getting paid more altogether. In fact if you wait until you’ve earned $140, the bonus would cover the entire transaction fee and it would be like L1 payouts now, where you don’t have to pay for transactions at all. Anything beyond that and you just get paid more even after subtracting transaction costs. I don’t think I’ve ever moved less than $500 worth of tokens, so in my case it’s just pure profit.
So I still argue that a better version of payout on demand while paying fees already exists. And it’s called zkSync.