Offline node tried all

I configurate my computer for mining with storage node but i follow all the steps fot gui install but is still not working and i don´t know what to try

Can you explain more? What issues did you have?

You should try running through the checklist here:

I configurate my computer for mining with storage node but i follow all the steps fot gui install but is still not working and i don´t know what to try


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Hello @pabelogram ,
Welcome to the forum!

Please, write every step which you tried

yougetsignal said that mi port is offline but i don´t know why

I follow the gui install all the steps but in yougetsingnal said that is closed

If the node software is running and the yougetsignal fails then it’s likely you haven’t opened the port forwarding in the router, or the firewall on the computer.

ok, let check it together.

  1. WAN IP on the main page of the router. Please, compare it with IP there: , they should match
  2. Local IP in the port forwarding rule, it should be the same as IP of your PC with docker
  3. nslookup your.ddns.address should return the same IP as p.1
  4. Firewall. It should have an incoming rule to allow any traffic from the any source to the TCP 28967 port and your PC as a destination. If you have any outgoing rule, then you should create an outgoing rule to allow any traffic from your PC as a source and any host with any port as a destination.
  5. Identity: