OnlineScore went to zero in one day

The audit score related only to successful audits.
The suspension score related to unknown errors during auditing
The online score related to number of answered audits (successful or unsuccessful but answered).

Emails got triggered only on check-in, this is a known issue: [storagenode] The email about suspension is coming only after check-in to satellite · Issue #4235 · storj/storj · GitHub
I would suggest to configure [Tech Preview] Email alerts with Grafana and Prometheus to get alerts in time.

Audit score doesn’t affected by online score, they are independent. You can have a perfect audit score and online score 0. There is presumption of innocents, while your node doesn’t fail audits, it considered as perfect.

You does not need to restart your node. Just make sure that your firewall doesn’t block traffic to/from your node. Ideally it should have only incoming rules to allow connections to port 28967 TCP and UDP, and no one outgoing rule (i.e. all outgoing traffic is allowed).

again. The online score was 100%. Your node went offline. Scores calculated on the satellites. Since your node is offline - it can’t receive updates. Your restarted your node and it was able to check-in on the satellites and receive an update that your online score is actually zero.
Since the satellites are unable to contact your node - it will not recover.
You need to fix the offline issue.