Hi there. I’m leveraging the GitHub - anclrii/Storj-Exporter: Prometheus exporter for monitoring Storj storage nodes but I’m seeing that some of my nodes are experiencing slow SNO API responses; so slow, that they don’t return responses after a few minutes.
Examples of some endpoints timing out are:
I ended up moving all of my databases to NVMEs, separate from the data location of my nodes. It’s interesting because I have multiple nodes on the same machine, and one returns fine, and the other doesn’t. It’s sporadic. For example, I have one node that’s been timing out for the past few days, but the other node is perfectly fine.
Comparing the two, I see the following filesizes:
File | Node 1 | Node 2 |
bandwidth.db | 1,912,053,760 | 22,265,856 |
bandwidth.db-shm | 1,245,184 | 32,768 |
bandwidth.db-wal | 638,212,752 | 8,441,912 |
heldamount.db | 53,248 | 53,248 |
info.db | 16,384 | 16,384 |
notifications.db | 24,576 | 24,576 |
orders.db | 32,768 | 32,768 |
orders.db-shm | 32,768 | |
orders.db-wal | 0 | |
piece_expiration.db | 284,540,928 | 282,505,216 |
piece_expiration.db-shm | 32,768 | 32,768 |
piece_expiration.db-wal | 4,120,032 | 4,128,272 |
piece_spaced_used.db | 24,576 | 24,576 |
piece_spaced_used.db-shm | 32,768 | 24,576 |
piece_spaced_used.db-wal | 20,632 | 32,768 |
pieceinfo.db | 24,576 | 0 |
pricing.db | 24,576 | 24,576 |
pricing.db-shm | 32,768 | 32,768 |
pricing.db-wal | 0 | 0 |
reputation.db | 36,864 | 36,864 |
reputation.db-shm | 32,768 | 32,768 |
reputation.db-wal | 0 | 0 |
satellites.db | 32,768 | 32,768 |
satellites.db-shm | 32,768 | 32,768 |
satellites.db-wal | 0 | 0 |
secret.db | 24,576 | 24,576 |
storage_usage.db | 299,008 | 303,104 |
storage_usage.db-shm | 32,768 | 32,768 |
storage_usage.db-wal | 0 | 0 |
used_serial.db | 20,480 | 20,480 |
Bandwidth.db is huge compared to the other, yet they both have roughly 3.8TB of data, and have the same amount in/out bandwidth.
Are there ways to reduce the size of this database without deleting it completely?
The historical data that’s maintained in here is just for the dashboard… how long is that historical data for? Is it only a months worth?