Pay out information shows nonsence

on Node Dashboard ti shows earned this month 41USD, but if click on payout information it shows different oscillating number every day today it is 1USD, yesterday was 8, day before 4, bore that 0 and 12USD… anyone can explain this? this is going on for all September


Hi @Rera,

Thanks for reporting the issue! We will look into it.


Bandwith information is also not corect. Just noticed now in payout window

Hi @Rera, I am not experiencing this issue. Please can you provide more screenshots of the main dashboard page.

Please can you check the orders/unsent folder in case there is a problem with submitting orders to the satellites.

tel me more where to find orders?

screenshots here:

Please note that there is exactly one wallet address that got paid from a Storj address recently and starts with […] (hidden on Rera’s request). If you want to keep your wallet anonymous, use better methods to hide it.

remove this comment :smiley:

Please, check databases: How to fix a "database disk image is malformed" – Storj

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which DB file is responsible for it?

All of them. Please, use the checking script from the article.

PS C:\sqlite> c:/sqlite/sqlite3.exe c:/sqlite/piece_expiration.db “.read c:/sqlite/dump_all_notrans.sql”
Error: near line 7881: no such table: versions

can you help with this error?

I would like to suggest to use this method: How to fix database: file is not a database error – Storj