Payouts 9th of March

Hello All, is what normal, that today is already 9th of March, but I didn’t recieved payout? Did anybody recieved?

I have changed wallet from Binance to Trust, thus I a bit worry about.


Hi, generally I follow the payments condition update. I just worry, that I still didn’t recieve income in March at all. Is it so, what maybe transaction didn’t happen yet because of overload, and I shall just wait?

Can you kindly check wallet adress, please


Me neither man, this is due to extremely high fees and low productivity of the nodes for February.

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What do you mean low productivity? My 18 nodes were online, ingress is about 55Gb/day average. Last month I got 44$. What is the problem now?

Are you on Layer1?

„ For layer 1 payments, we paid just 164 unique wallet addresses. This was due to extremely high fees this month. There is no specific minimum payment threshold but it appears that for standard payouts, the pipeline was able to pay out for people who earned $62.19 or more.“

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I read more carefully, and google what is ZkSynk. What I understood:

  1. February will be not paid now, because of high transaction fee in Etherium network. To get payments next month, I need to switch to ZkSync.

  2. February paiment will be paid within ZkSynk next month too?


Only crap, 18 nodes?! With the same wallet?
Sorry, forget I even said anything…you really should’ve got paid.

Same wallet, yep


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… or have 4x of the fee in the “Undistributed amount” for Ethereum (L1).

i have 27 nodes and i received the payment, and every mounth the total payment always higher . you have 18 and only 44$, it’s impossible. The nodes are new? i suppose. or the nodes are little, minus of 3TB and not complete and the nodes are over only one ip?

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if they do not break rules, all nodes behind the same /24 subnet. In this case - it’s unlikely to clear the minimum payout threshold for March 2024 (at least for my 9TB used in total).

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If you think you probably made a bit over $44 in Feb, then that wasn’t enough to get paid because L1 ETH fees were so high. It will be saved and added to your March payment (and your node UI should show this).

You only have to consider ZkSync if you want to improve your chance of getting a payout when L1 fees are high.


Differend nodes, from 1 to 20 Tb. Total used space is about 40Tb

Same here man, about 40TB occupied space between 4 nodes… didn’t get paid as well.
Well have to wait until this high fees season passes or until Eth upgrade is done.

@Aka985 and @naxbc - if you don’t mind me asking: if you’re both multi-node and around 40TB… how long did it take to fill that much? I’m guessing around 2 years? Thanks!

Overall, more than that. I’ve been onboard the project for 5 years :wink:


Almost 2 years, but I have several lines. Over 15Tb was lost, due to nodes fail.

пн, 11 мар. 2024 г., 02:03 Roxor via Storj Community Forum (official) <>:

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