I’m here to share a small personal project I’ve been working on for a few weeks that could be useful for the community.
When I came to know Tardigrade (Storj) I’ve immediately decided to move my media server to it but want an easier way to access it anywhere, also being able to add subtitles, what led me to customize a HTML player.
With this ready, and willing to help others with the same problem, I’ve created peers.watch.
It’s essential feature is: given a Tardigrade media link it’ll give you a good looking HTML player, shareable - and embedable - link.
wooo hoo!!! Check you out @vargas – this is great and so exciting to see.
I will share this with my work friends @jtolio@sorendanielson@john@super3 come see the great player our community member made!
I would guess that falls under works-as-designed for a poc like this?
btw I created an .sbv for the tardigrade commercial that JT tweeted out earlier today , to try with PeersWatch
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Tardigrade - the future of cloud storage
You sure about that one? I think a single subtitle would literally be one line.
I checked a view local players as well as youtube and netflix and they all refer to it as disabling/enabling subtitles.
Had the same issue. Both work fine on desktop though.
Thank you all for your inputs, I will be improving the experience for mobile users and double-check if Firefox and other commonly used browsers are working as expected.
Captions would probably be more generic than subtitles, I will consider. Thanks!