Ping satellite: check-in ratelimit: node rate limited by id, errorVerbose": "ping satellite: check-in ratelimit: node rate limited

This only prove that your node lost files.
Seems it also have corrupted files (this type is not logged on node’s side).
I would like to suggest to check time between audit started and audit finished for each piece audited by that satellite.

To use this script under Windows you need to install WSL and Ubuntu. Your disks will appear under /mnt automatically. You also need to install jq

sudo apt update
sudo apt install jq -y

Uptime doesn’t matter too much, more important audit score and online score.
If the audit score fall below 60%, your node become disqualified.
If the online score is 0% for a month (your node is offline for more than 30 days), it will be disqualified.