Post pictures of your storagenode rig(s)

i meant save the power to run it. sorry

Oh I see, thanks for the tip! I’ll check it out

from experience i can tell you it is indeed not worth it to run a node on it.

For me it was just to see if it was possible, would work and to kill some old harddisks which would otherwise just be trashed anyways.
At least they are now used until death, and were useful for a bit.

Hey everyone! Just wanted to let you know i have been working on a similear project to show people the economics of storj nodes. I’ve got a dashboard that offers public access to real-time stats, including data usage, earnings, power costs, and more. It’s been great monitoring everything in one place, and if you want to take a look at how it’s performing live, feel free to check it out:
Please go to:
for the stats.

i also recently released a new video explaining the dashboard.
Hope its fine to share here.

Peace out, HG


I completely forgot my promise to dodge a laser, and that really, really bothers me now.

That being said, I made a new video where I turned my ridiculous project into a project that’s just slightly ridiculous. Cheers to that! :slight_smile:


5 posts were split to a new topic: Improvements on video about the nodes setup

Guys, i did it today,!
I saved a nice server case with X10SLL-F and Lsi9211-4i from recycling (for free!)
With 8 bays and no disks, sadly also with only 4GB ram.

I beginn to gather more specs, and maybe in a couple of months it wil join the network.
Any suggestions/tips ? installing an OS would be the next step.

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4 GB is fine, I run 3x14 TiB disks without an issue with 6 GB ram

free -h
              total        used        free      shared  buff/cache   available
Mem:          5.8Gi       718Mi       111Mi       0.0Ki       5.0Gi       4.8Gi
Swap:         4.0Gi       854Mi       3.2Gi
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Add more ram (ram is cheap on ebay), install TrueNAS Core, enjoy über reliable NAS, use my scripts to run nodes in jails.

im already on ebay searching ram :nerd_face:

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three separate nodes or one big one?

If writes start getting backed up (test onslaught combined with slower storage) then sometimes the storj node software can start gobbling up ram and cause an out of memory situation. I’ve had a single (very slow performing) node use 4GB RAM. But under normal ‘light’ conditions it’s vastly less.

Each HDD is a separate node.
MOtherboard: Supermicro X8SAX - The Retro Web
Using a 16 bay SuperMicro case CSE-836

Model name:                         Intel(R) Core(TM) i7 CPU         960  @ 3.20GHz
Stepping:                           5
CPU MHz:                            3200.023
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19 posts were split to a new topic: Power consumption of the old hardware, prices across the globe