PowerShell script to setup multiple Windows GUI nodes

I created a script “guide” for anyone who wants to configure additional nodes manually. I didn’t find it that complicated, and all 3 update to the latest version when the updater service updates the files. Maybe I just got lucky.

Powershell_Scripts/Storj/CreateAdditionalNode.ps1 at main · AtomicInternet2/Powershell_Scripts (github.com)

I think it’s worth a separate thread for the alternatives?
Would you like me to move it out there?

However, you seems didn’t make the updater for each node. How you would update these nodes then?

You can move wherever you think is good. The existing updater will update all 3 nodes since they all use the same .EXE


I’ve gone through two updates successfully with this

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how updater stop them all to update file?

I’m not sure if the updater stops all instances of that .EXE or if the two other services fail and then restart, but all 3 report the latest version when it updates.
AtomicInternet Crypto Status

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So today I noticed nodes 1 and 3 updated to the latest version, but 2 is still holding the old version somehow. I’m going to see if it updates on it’s own, this is the first time I had a version difference.

Storj Node Status

Of course it will update on its own when update is available to it (per the cursor value). There is no need to babysit the nodes so much.

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you told before that it is same EXE, but then it cant be different version.

Yes, this is what’s strange. It must be holding the old .EXE in memory. I’m curious when it will refresh. The single updater task updates the EXE for all 3 nodes.

then you need just restart service. it may be faild to restart it for some reason.

No this is more of an experiment. I haven’t had to restart in the past, so this tells me it’s either failing or eventually auto-restarting. I just thought I’d share what I noticed for anyone else with a single .EXE

Oh wow. Why?

You shall follow the rollout schedule, don’t update all nodes at once. And after updating the file on disk, you shall restart the node.

But windows locks the program file that is being executed, so you should not be able to update the executable without stopping the service.

Something does not add up here.

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It’s a possible state, because it’s used a rename call not replace. In that case the not stopped service will use the renamed binary until restarted.
However, I do not understand why services are restarted.
@AtomicInternet could you please show the result of the command:

sls -NotMatch "Downloading versions|New version is being|Version is up to|Current binary|Invalid configuration|Interrogate requ" "C:\Program Files\Storj\Storage Node\storagenode-updater.log" | select -last 20