Price Comparison

I hope everything is good.

Currently, my primary method of data storage is Amazon. However, Storj appears to be a more advantageous prospective substitute for data storage.

I have compared the prices and would like to make a few clarifications.

First off, if the price is the same on both sites, what would motivate someone to switch from Amazon to Storj? On Amazon, I currently pay (4.1$/T). Second, is there another price associated with updating the data of a document that has already been stored under the 4$/T option? (For instance, transaction fees?)

I’m grateful.

The comparison will depend a lot on the specific AWS service you’re using, because different S3 storage classes have wildly different properties and associated pricing structure. I’m guessing, is it S3 Glacier Instant Retrieval?

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That’s much I paid for my glacier s3.

Storj offers storing and retrieval as a normal fast multiregional hot encrypted storage, without limitations comes with glacier type.