Estoy teniendo problemas al lanzar el segundo nodo con docker, mi primer nodo esta configurado sin docker en windows
downloading storagenode-updater
2022-04-17T03:19:10.984Z INFO Public server started on [::]:28967
2022-04-17T03:19:10.984Z INFO Private server started on
2022-04-17T03:19:11.343Z WARN contact:service failed PingMe request to satellite {"Satellite ID": "12EayRS2V1kEsWESU9QMRseFhdxYxKicsiFmxrsLZHeLUtdps3S", "error": "ping satellite: check-in network: failed to ping node (ID: 12u5teqFja5hLyytC21LBqGakoeKVb2q7ySHo2h1xvkQqymyRge) at address:, err: contact: failed to dial storage node (ID: 12u5teqFja5hLyytC21LBqGakoeKVb2q7ySHo2h1xvkQqymyRge) at address using QUIC: rpc: quic: CRYPTO_ERROR (0x12a): tls peer certificate verification: tlsopts: peer ID did not match requested ID", "errorVerbose": "ping satellite: check-in network: failed to ping node (ID: 12u5teqFja5hLyytC21LBqGakoeKVb2q7ySHo2h1xvkQqymyRge) at address:, err: contact: failed to dial storage node (ID: 12u5teqFja5hLyytC21LBqGakoeKVb2q7ySHo2h1xvkQqymyRge) at address using QUIC: rpc: quic: CRYPTO_ERROR (0x12a): tls peer certificate verification: tlsopts: peer ID did not match requested ID\n\*Service).requestPingMeOnce:194\n\*Service).RequestPingMeQUIC:167\n\*Peer).addConsoleService:845\n\*Peer).Run:884\n\tmain.cmdRun:251\n\\n\\n\*Command).execute:852\n\*Command).ExecuteC:960\n\*Command).Execute:897\n\\n\\n\tmain.main:474\n\truntime.main:255"}
2022-04-17T03:19:11.885Z WARN contact:service failed PingMe request to satellite {"Satellite ID": "1wFTAgs9DP5RSnCqKV1eLf6N9wtk4EAtmN5DpSxcs8EjT69tGE", "error": "ping satellite: check-in network: failed to ping node (ID: 12u5teqFja5hLyytC21LBqGakoeKVb2q7ySHo2h1xvkQqymyRge) at address:, err: contact: failed to dial storage node (ID: 12u5teqFja5hLyytC21LBqGakoeKVb2q7ySHo2h1xvkQqymyRge) at address using QUIC: rpc: quic: CRYPTO_ERROR (0x12a): tls peer certificate verification: tlsopts: peer ID did not match requested ID", "errorVerbose": "ping satellite: check-in network: failed to ping node (ID: 12u5teqFja5hLyytC21LBqGakoeKVb2q7ySHo2h1xvkQqymyRge) at address:, err: contact: failed to dial storage node (ID: 12u5teqFja5hLyytC21LBqGakoeKVb2q7ySHo2h1xvkQqymyRge) at address using QUIC: rpc: quic: CRYPTO_ERROR (0x12a): tls peer certificate verification: tlsopts: peer ID did not match requested ID\n\*Service).requestPingMeOnce:194\n\*Service).RequestPingMeQUIC:167\n\*Peer).addConsoleService:845\n\*Peer).Run:884\n\tmain.cmdRun:251\n\\n\\n\*Command).execute:852\n\*Command).ExecuteC:960\n\*Command).Execute:897\n\\n\\n\tmain.main:474\n\truntime.main:255"}
2022-04-17T03:19:12.024Z WARN contact:service failed PingMe request to satellite {"Satellite ID": "12L9ZFwhzVpuEKMUNUqkaTLGzwY9G24tbiigLiXpmZWKwmcNDDs", "error": "ping satellite: check-in network: failed to ping node (ID: 12u5teqFja5hLyytC21LBqGakoeKVb2q7ySHo2h1xvkQqymyRge) at address:, err: contact: failed to dial storage node (ID: 12u5teqFja5hLyytC21LBqGakoeKVb2q7ySHo2h1xvkQqymyRge) at address using QUIC: rpc: quic: CRYPTO_ERROR (0x12a): tls peer certificate verification: tlsopts: peer ID did not match requested ID", "errorVerbose": "ping satellite: check-in network: failed to ping node (ID: 12u5teqFja5hLyytC21LBqGakoeKVb2q7ySHo2h1xvkQqymyRge) at address:, err: contact: failed to dial storage node (ID: 12u5teqFja5hLyytC21LBqGakoeKVb2q7ySHo2h1xvkQqymyRge) at address using QUIC: rpc: quic: CRYPTO_ERROR (0x12a): tls peer certificate verification: tlsopts: peer ID did not match requested ID\n\```
he cortado el log porque se repite lo mismo todo el rato
me he estado leyendo muchos hilos en el foro, i ninguno me funciona, he creado como 5 veces la identidad, la he autorizado y e creado los archivos del nodo.
Los puertos estan abiertos
la ip conincide con la del router y la de mi ordenador,
tengo los mismos parametros en el firewall
los comando que utilizo son en power shell con permisos de administrador
./identity create storagenode2 --identity-dir M:\nodo2storj\Identity
./identity.exe authorize storagenode2 **token** --identity-dir M:\nodo2storj\Identity
docker run --rm -e SETUP="true" --mount type=bind,source="M:\nodo2storj\Identity\storagenode2\",destination=/app/identity --mount type=bind,source="M:\nodo2storj\datosnodo2",destination=/app/config --name storagenode02 storjlabs/storagenode:latest
docker run -d --restart unless-stopped --stop-timeout 300 -p 28968:28967/tcp -p 28968:28967/udp -p -e WALLET="My wallet" -e EMAIL="" -e ADDRESS="" -e STORAGE="4TB" --mount type=bind,source="M:\nodo2storj\Identity\storagenode2",destination=/app/identity --mount type=bind,source="M:\nodo2storj\datosnodo2",destination=/app/config --name storagenode02 storjlabs/storagenode:latest --operator.wallet-features=zksync
necesitaria ayuda gracias