Probleme connexion node satellite

As long as your node is running it is ok
These fileds are not mandatory, except a few ones, but I assume you have set them in your docker command (or it wouldn’t work)

So, they are supposed to be set up well but I still receive messages saying it’s not good ?
A node seems to be a funny thing to make it work :joy:
It means each time I have to reboot my node I will receive this ?

It justs prompt the info that each of these parameters are not set in the config file ! It’s not a big deal
But yes, you will receive this every time you restart your node

How can I fix it please :P?

Just go to your config.yaml and write or uncomment each parameter with valid values !

ie :

server.address: :28967


I don’t understand your example as it’s already written this way…

Maybe I should just uncomment each parameter. I remember Alexey said the information didn’t really matter as the cli has the priority over the file.

@pascal @ouiouibaguette
There is no way to fix them. These warnings are come from the updater inside the container. They both (storagenode and the updater) uses the same config file, but not all options supported by the updater, thus it complains about them. It doesn’t affect your node, so you can ignore them.

Please try another way

sudo su
echo "net.core.rmem_max=2500000" >> /etc/sysctl.conf

Thank you, I dont know if it worked.

It showed me ash-4.4…

It should. You may check it

sysctl net.core.rmem_max

Yes all good but It’s surely because I also put before :

sysctl -w net.core.rmem_max=2500000

I will know it the next reboot :slight_smile:

Thank you for everything Alexey


All good I managed to fix it :star_struck: