Problems Hosting Static Sites with Storj

Hi there.

My personal websites is built with a static site generator (Hugo) and deployed to Amazon S3 with Cloudfront’s CDN in front of it. This has worked well for a while.

I’d like to replicate similar functionality with Storj and have been playing around with it. While the documentation is great, I’ve been unsuccessful in getting this to work even in simple scenarios.

Here’s what I’m doing – I’d love to get some help so someone can tell me what I’m doing wrong.

But first, here’s the tools I’m using (I’m running all of this from a Mac):

  • Uplink CLI
    • Release build
    • Version: v1.105.4
    • Build timestamp: 29 May 24 04:33 PDT
    • Git commit: e20f78fa5d0e07eecfb615aa8b74075c7ae25b92
  • rclone v1.67.0
    • os/version: darwin 14.5 (64 bit)
    • os/kernel: 23.5.0 (arm64)
    • os/type: darwin
    • os/arch: arm64 (ARMv8 compatible)
    • go/version: go1.22.4
    • go/linking: dynamic
    • go/tags: none.

What I’m doing

  • I created a new Storj project in the website console
  • I created a new bucket in the website console
  • I created an access key for uplink with the proper grants
  • I created an access key (s3 credential style) for rclone so I can sync my website files into my bucket
  • I configured rclone to use the s3 credentials above and synced my files (confirmed working)
  • I used uplink to make my bucket publicly viewable for website purposes by running uplink share --dns sj://mybucketname --tls --not-after none
  • I received the uplink CLI output (sanitized version below)
Sharing access to satellite
=========== ACCESS RESTRICTIONS ==========================================================
Download     : Allowed
Upload       : Disallowed
Lists        : Allowed
Deletes      : Disallowed
NotBefore    : No restriction
NotAfter     : No restriction
MaxObjectTTL : Not set
Paths        : sj://mybucket/ (entire bucket)
Access       : xxxx
========== GATEWAY CREDENTIALS ===========================================================
Access Key ID: xxxkey
Secret Key   : xxxsecret
Endpoint     :
Public Access: true
=========== DNS INFO =====================================================================
Remember to update the $ORIGIN with your domain name. You may also change the $TTL.
$TTL    3600    	IN	CNAME	IN	TXT  	storj-root:mybucket	IN	TXT  	storj-access:xxxkey	IN	TXT  	storj-tls:true
  • I then went into NameCheap (my DNS provider) and added the necessary records:
    • A CNAME for www that points to
    • A TXT record for txt-www that points to storj-root:mybucket
    • A TXT record for txt-www that points to storj-access:xxxkey
    • A TXT record for txt-www that points to storj-tls:true
  • I then waited a while for DNS to propagate and verified my DNS records were accurate by running:
    • dig @ TXT

OK, that was a lot, but now that I did all that here’s my problem:

  • When I go to my website using a browser (, I’m able to see my website but it has no CSS/JS/images loaded.
  • I’m able to click between links on my site but all sub-pages also have no CSS/JS/images.
  • If I inspect the browser web console I can see that all of my images/CSS/JS are responding with a 400 and failing to load
  • If I visit or curl one of my assets directly, ex: curl I get a 400 with a ‘Malformed request’ error from Storj.

This is very confusing to me because I’m somehow able to render the HTML pages just fine, and I can verify the links are pointing to the correct paths that exist within my Storj bucket.

Any ideas of what I’ve screwed up? Greatly appreciate your time! <3

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Hello @rdegges,
Welcome to the forum!

Are you using absolute paths to these CSS/JS/Image files or are they all relative in the HTML pages?

Do you see these files in the bucket with the specified prefix?

uplink ls sj://mybucketname/static/css/

Also, what is attached content type?

curl '' -v --output style.css

See also: edge/docs/ at 82d843c4a692e511ef10611042743aed5c205447 · storj/edge · GitHub

Thank you!

To answer your questions…

When I run:

uplink ls sj://mybucketname/static/css/

I do see the file listed. Here’s my real-world output:

uplink ls sj://mybucket/static/css/
KIND    CREATED                SIZE    KEY
OBJ     2024-07-20 17:58:53    3584    style.css

When I run:

curl '' -v

I get the following output (very odd):

* Host was resolved.
* IPv6: (none)
* IPv4:
*   Trying
* Connected to ( port 443
* ALPN: curl offers h2,http/1.1
* (304) (OUT), TLS handshake, Client hello (1):
*  CAfile: /etc/ssl/cert.pem
*  CApath: none
* (304) (IN), TLS handshake, Server hello (2):
* (304) (IN), TLS handshake, Unknown (8):
* (304) (IN), TLS handshake, Certificate (11):
* (304) (IN), TLS handshake, CERT verify (15):
* (304) (IN), TLS handshake, Finished (20):
* (304) (OUT), TLS handshake, Finished (20):
* SSL connection using TLSv1.3 / AEAD-CHACHA20-POLY1305-SHA256 / [blank] / UNDEF
* ALPN: server accepted h2
* Server certificate:
*  subject:
*  start date: Jun 15 10:43:09 2024 GMT
*  expire date: Sep 13 10:43:08 2024 GMT
*  subjectAltName: host "" matched cert's ""
*  issuer: C=US; O=Google Trust Services; CN=WR1
*  SSL certificate verify ok.
* using HTTP/2
* [HTTP/2] [1] OPENED stream for
* [HTTP/2] [1] [:method: GET]
* [HTTP/2] [1] [:scheme: https]
* [HTTP/2] [1] [:authority:]
* [HTTP/2] [1] [:path: /s/accesskey/rdegges-www/static/css/style.css]
* [HTTP/2] [1] [user-agent: curl/8.6.0]
* [HTTP/2] [1] [accept: */*]
> GET /s/accesskey/rdegges-www/static/css/style.css HTTP/2
> Host:
> User-Agent: curl/8.6.0
> Accept: */*
< HTTP/2 200
< access-control-allow-headers: *
< access-control-allow-methods: GET, HEAD
< access-control-allow-origin: *
< x-request-id: DEocTGzm55W
< content-type: text/html; charset=utf-8
< date: Sun, 21 Jul 2024 18:05:56 GMT
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* Connection #0 to host left intact

NOTE: I’ve left my public key and real bucket name in the output above so you can see what I see.

It looks to me like the file being returned is a Storj webpage and not the CSS file I’m expecting. And this is weird because if I directly copy the file using uplink and open it, I get the expected CSS file directly:

uplink cp sj://mybucket/static/css/style.css test.css
cat test.css
# <expected CSS file here>

Yes, please do the same for /raw/ instead of /s/:

curl '' -v --output style.css

then it should download the file, not showing our preview page, so it is accessible and working correctly. You do not need to post result here, because I already used your key to see a content-type, it’s correct:

* Request completely sent off
< HTTP/1.1 200 OK
< Accept-Ranges: bytes
< Access-Control-Allow-Headers: *
< Access-Control-Allow-Methods: GET, HEAD
< Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *
< Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=style.css
< Content-Length: 3584
< Content-Type: text/css; charset=utf-8
< Last-Modified: Sun, 21 Jul 2024 00:58:53 GMT

I now hided the public key in your message.

So, the problem seems appearing only for the custom domain, I suppose?
If so, could you please check your HTML files - how the paths to the images, CSS and JS are specified - as an absolute links or as a relative?

Ok, I found your site and checked, they are relative. I would ask the team, because everything looks correct and it should work.

@rdegges I’m sorry for problems you have. We checked it on our side and we think this’s a bug. Could you fill bug report under Sign in to GitHub · GitHub?

Oh wow, I’ll file a report. Thanks so much for looking into this @Alexey and @michaln! I just assumed I was doing something dumb =D

For those following along, here is the GitHub issue: Hosting a Static Website on Storj: Potential Issue? · Issue #458 · storj/edge · GitHub