Prometheus Storj-Exporter


That’s what I use to get the storage increase of the past 24 hours.
It’s a moving average and doesn’t start at midnight. You can do the same for the last month if you replace the 24h.

(I even added a panel displaying the ingress in the past 24 hours per node to quickly check if someone hopped onto my subnet :grin:)


wow that is amazing. It looks great and helps me analyze more the traffic and the node patterns

thanks again

Grafana has been updated to V8.0.0 today and this breaks the dashboard.

Plugins seems now to need a ‘Signature’ for better security, the ‘Boomtable’ Plugin V1.3.0 doesn’t have such a signature and is therefore not loaded.
The current V1.4.1 is signed, but doesn’t play well with the dashboard.


Add the following line to the section [plugins] (Last section at the end of the file in my .ini file):
allow_loading_unsigned_plugins = yesoreyeram-boomtable-panel

And restart Grafana
systemctl restart grafana-server (On systems with newer systemd)
service grafana-server restart (On systems with older init.d)

Now the unsigned Boomtable Plugin will be loaded again.


And for docker users is an ENV enough:

docker run..
    -e GF_INSTALL_PLUGINS="yesoreyeram-boomtable-panel 1.3.0"
    -e GF_PLUGINS_ALLOW_LOADING_UNSIGNED_PLUGINS="yesoreyeram-boomtable-panel"

I have it in a docker running and edited the GF_PLUGINS_ALLOW_LOADING_UNSIGNED_PLUGINS but i have an error.

do you know a solution?

I have the same ENVs

But I had another error

Clean your plugins folder and restart the grafana.

i cleaned the plugin folder already but the same problem.

Hi all, i have the same issue …any any know a solution ?


Is just changed the ip of one of my nodes.
now i have the same node twice in the dashboard.

Is it possible to remove the old ip?

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It is if you delete the data manually in prometheus. But you just need to wait until the old node goes out of the timeframe of your dashboard then it will vanish by itself.

BTW: If you followed my guide, your nodes should have names and not IPs. Then changing an IP wouldn’t affect your data/dashboard at all.

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Hi guys I’m not sure if anyone has asked this but is there a way to get retained amount displayed on dashboard as I use L1 payout method I need a few months occasionally for minimum threshold to be reached


For the dashboard you need to wait for an answer from the author @greener.

Meanwhile you can use this script:

It’s already on the dashboard. Click the payout information link. It’s mentioned as undistributed payout.

Not the node dashboard, the grafana dashboard. Afaik nobody integrated that yet into the exporter and dashboard.


Grafana V8.0.6 is out and surprise, it gave the Boom-Tables a new appearance. :shushing_face:



Disk total, use, free and trash seems now to use the same scale, that makes some sense.

But what should be the relationship of Net out and in?

Scratching my head :thinking:

Frustrating indeed… Now I don’t want to update :smiley:

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I’m still on 7.5.7 for grafana…haven’t found the need to update since I know this version works and don’t really want to spend the time dealing with any issues that come along with new versions.

Is there a way to password protect or otherwise secure the data that the exporter opens up to the web?
I have several nodes running remotely,
and I’d rather not have stuff like node-id, wallet address, etc, publicly accessible.
Minimizing attack vectors and all that.

If your Prometheus server has a static IP address you could restrict the access to the exporter port by a firewall entry on the node host.

Unfortunately that is not an option in my case.
It does give me an idea: reverse dns lookups and iptables scripting,
but that’s getting kinda hackish :upside_down_face: