Prometheus Storj-Exporter

This looks amazing!

I do have a couple questions (and requests!) coming from a Windows user who cannot install Linux (not by choice, legitimate restriction).

  1. Would this work neatly with Windows Docker?
  2. Would it be possible to get a set of instructions that work for Windows?
  3. Would it be possible to have a youtube link on the github page with a video showing everything being done step-by-step (things like waiting for token to generate can be cut/ fast forwarded)

Other than that, it could really help a lot of people who are just transitioning to having more than a couple nodes.

I dont have experience with docker on windows, but I dont see why it would not work (with exception of docker host monitoring as that is linux based). Some path adjustments will have to be made most likely.
Give it a go in test envinroment. I dont have windows server, so cant test it myself. But even if something wont work, it should be easy to adjust.

Instructions should be identical. you will just need to download windows identity binary of course.
You may not have “sed” on your pc, but that is just mass replace you can do in any other way.

Not sure if there is a need for video guide for this one tho, it mostly involves copy pasting from readme.

Video tutorial is now available. That was quite long and interesting experience.


I have a problem with docker instalation of Storj-Exporter. I am using instructions from: but I’ve got error: "not attached to default bridge network:

Maybe it is a problem that I am using TrueNas and Storj is installed as a docker app and has no own IP only own port…
Please help,

you run it like this

docker run -d --restart unless-stopped
-p 9651:9651
-e STORJ_HOST_ADDRESS=your_storj_docker anclrii/storj-exporter:latest

thanks, I see where I’ve made mistake, but after correcting it I’ve got the same error: "container not attached to default bridge network:

Does anyone have Storj on Truenas Core as Docker App?

You have to literally use this


this is an environment variable and not to be replaced with an ip

still the same


If that is newest scale, there is some issue with contacting source machine via bridge, so may be related.
I didnt checked whats exactly wrong with it, so you need to look it up.

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Thanks, I think it is connected with feature that in Truenas Scale apps are installed as docker k8s instaces without own IP but only with own port number on server IP and that makes unable to find Storj-Exporter my StorjNode … Thats why I’m looking for someone who has StorjNode on TruenNas Core like me and with working Storj-Eproter

I’m running node on core.
You can do both jail or VM.
Jail is bit fiddly, you have to set it up yourself, but its not difficult and works fine.
VM is easier solution as you can use docker.

I’m Sorry, I’m running StorjNode on Truenas Scale - not TrueNas Core, and I cant run Storj-Exporter. I don’t want to run StorjNode on VM becouse of too much resources usage so I’m running it as docker app. TrueNas Scale doesn’t have Jails where You can set own network configuration of DHCP or static IP like it was on TrueNas Core. I think the problem is in network features of apps in TrueNas Scale. Maybe you could set it by bridge network configuration as Tomaae said, but I haven’t figured it out yet… That’s why I’m looking for someone who’s running StorjNode as dockr app on TrueNas Scale…

You can have a look at truechart docker compose feature. Maybe it will allow you to set up internal network for storj

Curious if anyone has come up with a docker template to use for storj-exporter on unraid?

Has someone had problems with permissions and know how to fix it on Synology?

ts=2023-02-17T19:14:43.747Z caller=main.go:468 level=error msg=“Error loading config (–config.file=/etc/prometheus/prometheus.yml)” file=/etc/prometheus/prometheus.yml err=“open /etc/prometheus/prometheus.yml: permission denied”

Done chmod 777 /volume1/docker/prometheus /volume1/docker/grafana without any improvements. Prometheus container still restarting.

Look around on internet regarding chown command.I just able to give you example of use in ubuntu like enivroment, but probably it is same or really similar in other unix like operating systems
sudo chown user:user /volume1/docker/prometheus -R
-R means recursive for all files located in that folder
Ofc you need to use different “user”, this is just an example.

Can you explain why you are using Docker-Volumes instead of mounting paths?

Thanks and kind regards,

Hello - after spending 1-2 hours looking at this i have hit a wall. i have 2 exporters running and i can acces: http://localhost:9651/
and see this:

Seems that exporter is working - great!

But then looking at Prometheus:

Targets are also there! great.

But looks like some data is not making it to prometheus? ^^^ or am i wrong?

now looking in grafana:

No data is there? but grafana can find the enpoints with my internal ips and ports?

Does anyone have a good answer to why maybe data is going wrong somewhere? Thanks in advance.
Also - all is run in docker on windows. Using the docker compose file.

When you click on explore (the compass icon) do you have data under storj->storj_node_info?


For me not, I see no data there! Check your exporter docker config :wink: