Prometheus Storj-Exporter

When i type (from any PC in local network), i see page full of info, including satellites and etc. So believe port and prometheus OK.
Yes, o do make prometheus service restart after changing config file.
The thing is, that when i add second node there are two options 1. everytings stops working at all (i cant see 1st node as well). 2. Something mess up and i see 3 nodes in the dashboard, but only 1 works. I believe this is the problem in config file. where JOB’s are added.

HELP python_gc_objects_collected_total Objects collected during gc

TYPE python_gc_objects_collected_total counter

python_gc_objects_collected_total{generation=“0”} 233.0
python_gc_objects_collected_total{generation=“1”} 100.0
python_gc_objects_collected_total{generation=“2”} 0.0

HELP python_gc_objects_uncollectable_total Uncollectable object found during GC

TYPE python_gc_objects_uncollectable_total counter

python_gc_objects_uncollectable_total{generation=“0”} 0.0
python_gc_objects_uncollectable_total{generation=“1”} 0.0
python_gc_objects_uncollectable_total{generation=“2”} 0.0

HELP python_gc_collections_total Number of times this generation was collected

TYPE python_gc_collections_total counter

python_gc_collections_total{generation=“0”} 51.0
python_gc_collections_total{generation=“1”} 4.0
python_gc_collections_total{generation=“2”} 0.0

HELP python_info Python platform information

TYPE python_info gauge

python_info{implementation=“CPython”,major=“3”,minor=“7”,patchlevel=“8”,version=“3.7.8”} 1.0

HELP process_virtual_memory_bytes Virtual memory size in bytes.

TYPE process_virtual_memory_bytes gauge

process_virtual_memory_bytes 2.7447296e+07

HELP process_resident_memory_bytes Resident memory size in bytes.

TYPE process_resident_memory_bytes gauge

process_resident_memory_bytes 2.1241856e+07

Can you check on the prometheus site whether it has data for both nodes?

Looks like i’ve messed up something.
Storj-Exporter is not runing on the second machine anymore. And i can’t start that docker container :expressionless:

docker ps -a
0570ee073ff6 anclrii/storj-exporter:latest “python ./storj-expo…” 13 hours ago Restarting (1) 1 second ago

It keeps restarting for some reason…

remove it and create it again.

Does not help.
I use NOT a standard name of stragenode (as well as port). maybe that’s the problem? If you look at my command, you see i use “storagenode2” as this is the name of docker container. If i remove “2” i get error, as that container does not exist. With “2” at the end, it starting up, but keeps restarting. As well i have a non standard (not 14002) port for dashboard. Maybe this could be a problem?

docker run -d --restart=unless-stopped --link=storagenode2 --name=storj-exporter -p 9651:9651 anclrii/storj-exporter:latest # or your custom options

Non standart port is problem.
I edit this with “portainer” you can edit enviroment where is the port 14002

Sorry did not understood where is that place, where i should EDIT it ?

on synology I edit thisvar

STORJ_API_PORT is set to non standard “15003” so you must define in the storj-exporter container

I am not docker expert I edit this in synology GUI or portainer on ubuntu

STORJ_HOST_ADDRES can be a ip adress

This is for my 4th node on the same host:

docker run -d --restart=unless-stopped --link=storagenode4 --name=storj-exporter4 -p 9654:9651 -e STORJ_HOST_ADDRESS="storagenode4" anclrii/storj-exporter:latest

@node1 try this

docker run -d --restart=unless-stopped --link=storagenode2 --name=storj-exporter2 -p 9651:9651 -e STORJ_HOST_ADDRESS="USE IP ADRESS" -e STORJ_API_PORT="YOUR NON STANDARD PORT" anclrii/storj-exporter:latest
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Thank you! worked out!!!

Now i would like to connect another node, that is in different location. These two spots does not have a VPN between them and i don’t want to arrange it. Maybe there is a way to use encrypted data scrubbing?

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you can set up an ssh tunnel.


Ive been runing storj exporter - prometheus - grafana trio for almost a month now, but every day for 3 hours i get an “out of bonds” error from prometheus and grafana stops, then it gets fixed by itself. Any ideas?

Probably related to system time drift. Are you running ntpd or similar?

Yeah im running ntp on prometheus/grafana server, and also on every storj node…

Stucked again :expressionless:

docker run -d --restart=unless-stopped -p 9651:9651
-e STORJ_HOST_ADDRESS=“storagenode3”
-e STORJ_API_PORT=“14003”
–name=storj-exporter3 anclrii/storj-exporter:latest

Conteiner start’s up, but keeps restarting every few seconds.
Also have tried:

-e STORJ_HOST_ADDRESS=“localhost”
-e STORJ_HOST_ADDRESS=“127.0.01”
and even without this “host_address” line at all.

Same story :expressionless:

try to see to logs

maybe port 9651 isnt free ?
try change external port
docker run -d --restart=unless-stopped -p 9652:9651…

Sorry forgot to add.
The log show this:

standard_init_linux.go:211: exec user process caused “exec format error”

Was trying to find something about this error. There are many pages about this error, but could not find useful answer.

Could it be because of this:

So a Docker file built on Intel will only work on Intel, and a Docker file build for Arm32 will only work for Arm32 ?

As the problem on RPi. while my other node is on PC.

maybe, I dont have RPi

So what about have storj-exporter on PC and as HOST_ADDRESS and port set RPI ?

I have prometheus and grafana on synology and 4x storj exporter in synology docker and one sotragenode on synology, three nodes in diferent locations and works fine…