QNAP NAS can not access dashboard

I try to use QNAP NAS Device to setup storage node.
But when I create a node ,the log show like below:
cba1f6b8383a storjlabs/storagenode:latest “/entrypoint” 4 seconds ago Up Less than a second>9000/tcp,>14002/tcp,>28967/tcp storjlabsSnContainer

And I can not access my dashboard.
Please kindly help me to fixed it .

Is this a recently setup node?

If so you you have to run the setup for docker before you can even start your node.

Which means you will have to manually setup the node though SSH before the normal setup will even work since it hasn’t been updated to handle the new setup command.

Please, remove the application, it’s outdated and use a docker CLI instead: https://documentation.storj.io/setup/cli/storage-node

ok !
So is it working on QNAP and Synology?

The usual docker version is working on any device which support docker. So, yes, if your QNAP or Synology can run a docker containers - it should be able to run storagenode.
Even if your device doesn’t support docker, but have an ability to install and run software and have a ssh access - you can run a binary version (specific for your platform) too.

So sorry I am not a tech guy.
I try to crest a container for ubuntu 18.04 and follow your guide.
But the terminal show "-bash: docker: command not found "
And I try to installed docker ,it will show need root password.
Did i use wrong ubuntu version?

I thought you want to run the storagenode on your QNAP, why do you use an Ubuntu then?
If you trying to run a VM on QNAP - please, do not do so - it’s excess overhead.

If you setup a dedicated server with Ubuntu, you should follow the guide for the docker install on their official site: https://docs.docker.com/engine/install/ubuntu/
However, in case of the dedicated server you should use only local connected drives, and avoid using any network connected drives, the storagenode is not compatible either with SMB or NFS, only iSCSI could work normally, but even then your storagenode will have a higher latency and will lose race for pieces more often than a node with a local connected drives.