QNAP StorJ_1.1.0 Nothing works, no response

Cant click anything, won’t do anything. No log files, nothing… where do I go from here? I setup everything correctly, the dashboard also does not show anything, it “refuses to connect”… This is a bit hard to diagnose guys… also is StorJ_1.1 the last version on Qnap? seems a bit outdated.

I’ve been struggling with this since 1PM does anyone have a solution, or know what’s going on? I feel like I missed a whole piece of documentation or something…

Thanks in advance! <3

Welcome to the forum @darkshadow1809 !

Check below post.

I am sorry but I am going to need some additional explanation… So what do I do from here? I have no clue how to do all that via QNAP, I followed the directions, got stuck, I can’t make a VM inside of it and install it via a windows… Is there no way to make it work normally? I have no clue what hes going on about :confused: I am sorry.

Also its not that error? it’s just nothing works, nothing is clickable, SSH is on?

I am not quite sure where to go from here, if you have any steps I can follow? a step by step guide to getting this to work? Inside a QNAS?

Awesome @Alexey will fix your problem. Wait for him to respond, till then hang tight. You will be Storj-ing soon. Read up on the blog till then Storj.io/blog

Thanks! looking forward to it.

Hello @darkshadow1809 ,
Welcome to the forum!

This app is outdated, the pre-release app (without a docker requirements!) is on the way, but not released yet.
This app doesn’t includes the important setup step: Storage Node - Node Operator
So, you need to enable Container Station, and ssh to your QNAP, then determine paths to your identity and data. You can request them from the not-working app:

docker inspect storjlabsSnContainer -f "{{.Mounts}}"

Then use these paths in the setup step instead of "<identity-dir>" and "<storage-dir>" accordingly.
When it would be finished, you can click on Update node and then Start.
If it would not start - check logs of the container, either from the Container Station or from the ssh:

docker logs --tail 20 storjlabsSnContainer

Could you give me an entirely different solution? with extra steps? I do not want something that could be potentially unstable, is there a way I can install it via CMI in docker from ground up? and have a dashboard connected to it to see stats later? Like Ive seen the possibility of importing a build automatically from container station I believe?

Could you get me a guide through this? Without the use of the StorJ app as it just proves unstable?

Also can I contact you more directly to solve this? Discord was wonderful but that feature has been taken out… Such a shame

Also I just checked my StorJ app and to my surprise without changing ANYTHING

What…??? Does it actually work?? what’s going on??? Also… I can’t seem to be able to connect to the dashboard either

Thanks for your help in advance, sorry this is all pretty confusing to me, I have no clue how to even access the CLI in the container station or do anything for that fact. If you could guide me through a bit more closely that’d be awesome! I really want to be a permanent node, I have got a ton of extra hdd & ssd space just not being used.

I want to be online 24/7 without the possibility of it going wrong, or just interrupting somewhere so I’d love an auto updating, set n forget kind of thing.

Also which one do I use?

Sorry, but we do not offer a personal guidance (teamviewer or any chat), the setup of the node is some kind of exam to be able a Storage Node Operator, because the network needed a stable nodes.

But we can help to guide you through setup to teach you, our great Community can also help with any problems which you can meet.

If you want to use a clear CLI way, this is not so difficult as you may thought.

  1. :white_check_mark: Enable Container Station and ssh
  2. :white_check_mark: Generate your identity on PC/Mac, sign it with an authorization token and transfer the identity folder to your QNAP; or generate and sign it on your QNAP with app (it just can take a week rather a few hours on PC/Mac).
  3. Check your identity: Identity - Node Operator (if you already transfer an identity, you need to update path to the identity location in the check command).
  4. Figure out what is your paths to the identity and data in the command line.
  5. Remove QNAP app
  6. Run the setup step: Storage Node - Node Operator once, replacing "<identity-dir>" and "<storage-dir>" to their actual values (the < and > should be removed as well).
  7. Run a regular container: Storage Node - Node Operator
  8. Check your logs: How do I check my logs? - Node Operator

To ssh to your QNAP you need to install ssh client on your PC/Mac: How to remote access the web dashboard - Node Operator
Then run ssh admin@IP-of-QNAP, type your password and in the menu choose to run a command line.

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Cool, is this working?

I think I got it, thanks for your help :slight_smile: Is there a way to pull up a fancy GUI for the stats of the node and also make sure my wallet address etc is all good and set n forget? Is there any updating I need to do or??

ah seems its working

Is there a way to check detailing earnings, gb used etc, through that fancy dashboard? it seems it refuses to connect for me.

Thank you so much for helping out :smiley:

After a while of fiddling it still won’t seem to work

As you can see the 14002 port is forwarded, I also did inside of my router just in case but… I mean… It’s not the external address were using so…? what…

What fails to make it load?

Sorted, forgot to remove the out of the run command, everything works smoothly now! Thanks for all your assistance Alexey!

Please, remove 14002 from port forwarding. You publishing your private information to the whole internet.
Use the remote access instead: How to remote access the web dashboard - Node Operator

Why would the QNAP package UI hard code the setup param to ‘false’ when starting up a new container for the first time. I don’t think a user of that package would know to manually first start up a container via the command line. Is there a way the package could ensure that the first time it’s run, it starts with SETUP=TRUE

how can I provide this “SETUP=true” to the QNAP app? I have the same issue in log:
— stat config/storage/blobs: no such file or directory
— stat config/storage/temp: no such file or directory
— stat config/storage/garbage: no such file or directory
— stat config/storage/trash: no such file or directory

Hello @sdrs , @Mantegro ,
Welcome to the forum!

The QNAP app is outdated, it doesn’t contain a setup step. You need to run it from the CLI.
For that you need to enable ssh and login via ssh to your NAS, then run the setup step once, using your actual paths for identity and data: Storage Node - Node Operator
Then you can update the storagenode in the QNAP app with button “Update storagenode” and then you can try to start it with “Start”.
Check your logs either from the Container Station or from the ssh:

docker logs --tail 10 storjlabsSnContainer

The other way is to run your node via ssh: Storage Node - Node Operator
See QNAP StorJ_1.1.0 Nothing works, no response - #8 by Alexey

Thank you Alexey. After I ran the following command from ssh, the server now starts from the QNAP app.

docker run --rm -e SETUP=“true”
–mount type=bind,source="/share/Public/storj/identity",destination=/app/identity
–mount type=bind,source="/share/Public/share/storj-node",destination=/app/config
–name storagenode storjlabs/storagenode:latest

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