Question about Data Encryption

New to Storj trying to figure something out — if all data is encrypted when stored on the network and no one can access the files accept for the client and those they give permission, how does Storj protect against child s*xual assault and terrorist data on its network?

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Not sure that it’s Storj’s job to do so, but the law enforcement authorities’…

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They respond to take down notices. It’s all they can do since it is truly trust no one encryption.

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Surely they can only take whole accounts down, then?

I imagine that is exactly what they would want to do in the case of the examples mentioned in the top post.

That’s not exactly the type of thing where you say, please remove this, but let’s keep doing business.

But it depends on the information provided with the takedown I guess. If something is linked to with a public access grant I imagine they could remove just the offending data.

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