Questions about Storj as a IPFS pinning service


I’ve just read the article “Leading Brands Use Storj to Securely Store Exclusive Tickets, Gaming, Music and Sports NFT Assets”.

I don’t understand this statement:

Once users have a CID, they can pin that CID via a smart contract.

In IPFS vocabulary, “pin” means that you keep an original version of the same file locally (so resulting with the same hash), in order for other people to be able to get it.
But in the quoted sentence above, it seems to mean that a smart contract will pin (meaning “store”) that file.
I suppose I misunderstood that because that’s really not something a smart contract is designed to do (storing files).

Thanks for your help!

I would recommend you post this question in the related IPFS beta discussion thread and after the long July 4th holiday weekend, our devs will be able to respond.

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Looks like I don’t have access to that topic. Is that restricted to only people who signed up for the beta? I’m not planning to use it myself, but just interested in reading up on it. But it seems documentation and discussion on this topic is locked behind a beta sign up wall. Is this correct or am I missing something?

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That thread does appear to be locked but in any case there are no comments you are missing, the only post was the link to Announcing Storj IPFS Pinning Service: Durable & Secure Decentralized NFT and dApp Storage perhaps @Alexey could open the thread so others could add comments.

Ah ok, that explains, thanks. I also found some of the info I was interested in here: Storj IPFS Pinning Service (Beta) | Storj Docs
It might be useful to add a link to that on the beta sign up page so you don’t have to sign up blind.

It’s still missing info on smart contract pinning though, so I’ll keep an eye out for that.

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both of those suggestions would be best answered by the author of the article @danw - I suppose that the link to the article was not included in the beta signup page because the only way to discover that beta signup page was to first read the article?

The Brave ads link to the signup page directly too.

There are no topics. The “about” article is just an explanatory article of the purpose of this category.
This category is created for discussions with users, who invited to there (participants in beta testing), it’s not public.
If it should be public now - let me know.

“Pin” means that the file is kept on the IPFS node where the pin is executed. But it does not imply how and where that node stores the actual data. It could be on a local file system, on a database, or on a remote storage location. In the case of the Storj IPFS service, the data is stored on the Storj network.

The smart contract is used to request the pin and pay for it with cryptocurrency - in a Web3-agnostic way. This idea is still on a prototype level. You can see a demo and more details here: EasyPin: IPFS Pinning Service With Smart Contract | Devpost


I agree. My point was that it is not possible (or not recommended) to store the file on a blockchain.

Thanks! Indeed I found the same article and talked about it in another thread. Maybe we should merge both?

Made this category public and moved the current topic here.

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Thanks for giving such a wonderful information.

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