Quic misconfigured even with ports open and yougetsignal.com tells it works

I have just setup a Storj Storage node in a docker container on a synology NAS, and opened for port 28967 on both TCP and UDP on my firewall, i have a static IP.

It does however say QUIC Misconfigured.
I have checked the firewall on the synology server is turned off.
I have dobule checked the ports on my Unifi router to make sure they where correct.
if i use Yougetsignal.com it says the port is open, if i try to access “MyWANIP:28967” i get the page in the last picture which i think indicates the ports are open and it works.

I’ve read trough a couple of topics on the forum before posting and they wrote that sometimes you should just ignore the QUIC misconfigured if you done everything and double checked that it is correct and it says “online” on status then it will fix itself, but when i look at the satellites they start to go down on the online % which makes me write this post, because something is wong, i just can’t figure out what.

As i am a new member i can’t attach all the photos in this post, i have instead uploaded them to Imggur where you can see them.
Link: Imgur: The magic of the Internet

I’m not positive… but it feels like Satellites check general-connectivity and QUIC-connectivity at different times? Like I may start a node and it says QUIC=Misconfigured (but Online)… and when I look again in an hour everything is OK.

You should still be able to test QUIC directly here. But I wouldn’t worry too much about it and just check again later.

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You can ignore QUIC failures, it’s pretty much not being used. You will get more bang for buck enabling TCP fastopen instead.

if you still want to fix it, try this, I’ve heard it also helps synology users: Binding to a specific interface to stabilize QUIC connectivity


Yes, the QUIC connectivity checked on each check-in, it’s happening every hour by default.
The restart would enforce it though (if the node is not rate-limited due to previous unsuccessful check-in attempts with an offline external address for example).

Okay, that makes me a bit more comfotable, but mine have not changed from “misconfigured” to “OK”, and it have been up for 38 hours.
I tested on the website and it gave me the message: QUIC: couldn’t connect to node: rpc: quic: context deadline exceeded, so does that mean that it does not work?

I don’t care if it works or doesn’t, i just didn’t want to get disqualified, espcially because the online % on the satelittes was going down, even tough the docker have an uptime of 38H and i have not had any drops in my internet connection.
I am not familiar with TCP Fastopen, i might look into it, i just had some free storage laying around and StorJ seems like a good thing to try and use my storage for.

And I assume forwarded them both to the machine, right?

You won’t get disqualified for QUIC, it does not affect online score.

But you do need to disable Synology’s firewall/antiddos/all that bloatware that does not work and only stands in the way. It may be responsible for your low online score. If this will keep falling your nodes will get suspended and then disqualified.

The 100% on saltlake you can ignore – there is no traffic from it right now.


yes, both a rule for TCP and a rule for UDP, and they are both forwarded to my Synology’s local IP,

i just checked my online scores and when i compare the screenshot i took yesterday when i created the post and the dashboard today, my online score have gone up, so i suppose that is a good thing, and i should just be patient assuming they keep going up.
Both Firewall and Ddos is disabled on Synology, i haver been enabled them.

Okay good, i will ignore it, thanks

One thing i just checked is my Synology’s DNS was set to my Adguard server, i’ve changed that to google’s DNS,, and restarted the docker container, still QUIC misconfigured, but as long as my online % keeps going up, i suppose it will be good and i will just ignore the QUIC warning.

yes. Did you change -p options to have it mapped?

Your node should be online for the next 30 days to recover. Each downtime requires an additional 30 days to recover.

Just keep it online. You may also check, when your node was not available for the satellites:

I used the one from the StorJ documentation, did have to remove the “” from port mapping with 14002, if it was as Storj documentation said “-p " i could not connect to the dashboard of my node, haven’t changed anything else, other than of course the necessary things i need to change.
sudo docker run -d --restart unless-stopped --stop-timeout 300
-p 28967:28967/tcp
-p 28967:28967/udp
-p 14002:14002
-e WALLET=“0x4CBB2b32F5286e1f47af14BDE2594342D976B523”
-e ADDRESS=“WANIP:28967”
–user $(id -u):$(id -g)
–mount type=bind,source=”/volume1/docker/Identity/storagenode",destination=/app/identity
–mount type=bind,source=“/volume1/docker/data”,destination=/app/config
–name storagenode storjlabs/storagenode:latest

Okay perfect, thanks it is already going up towards 100%, so that makes me more comfotable.
The lower online % must have been from when i tried to fix the problem with not being able to access the dashboard on port 14002 until i found out that i needed to remove “” from the docker run command.

You may try the suggestion

which is mean to change your -p options like this:

-p \
-p \

Now that makes sense, i could’t figure out what he meant in the post.
i have now tried to change the options, but no luck, it did however say “refreshing” on the QUIC status and the shortly after “misconfigured” i have never seen the “refreshing” before.

After chaing the -p in my docker run command i tried to use the website again, but i still get the “QUIC: couldn’t connect to node: rpc: quic: context deadline exceeded”
I then tried to change the -p flag to a IP in the docker bridge network "-p " but it failed and could not bind an IP in the network, so iguess the QUIC just isn’t anything i will use then.
If it isn’t used i am okay with it saying misconfigured.

You need to use the IP of the host here. If it’s dynamic, you need to update the docker run command every time when it’s changed. Or you may make it static on your router (usually in the DHCP section).

yes, it’s rarely used. So, you may ignore it.

All my servers use static IP’s
I have another Synology server which is running OpenVPN on port 1194 with UDP and a Unifi cloud key which uses port 3478 also with UDP and those things works like they are supposed to.

I am going to ignore it then, thank you, i am gonna mark you answer as the solution on this thread.

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