QUIC Misconfigured in v1.67.1

The v1.67.3 didn’t help with the QUIC issue.

hello after update 1.67.x my quick is reporting mis configured I have using the same run cmd for docker for the last six months and the dashboard has reported always quick ok

thanks for the info it fixed it

I suddenly have the quic misconfigured error, refresh made no difference and it showed misconfigured on multiple nodes.
Now just as sudden, the problem is fixed.
I think the “MISCONFIGURED” word is unhelpful. Suggest “offline since x” in the case where it switches from good to bad?

Hi @andrew2.hart, thanks for your suggestion. I agree with you that the “MISCONFIGURED” status might be unhelpful for such cases. Do you mind opening a GitHub issue on this?

Nothing has changed on my router config and Mac computer. Updates of StorJ node are performed via “watchtower” docker container… StortJ v1.72.5 is now running:

  • Looking at server status page ( via Chrome.app on my Mac shows a red “Misconfigured” QUIC alert.
  • At same URL location via Safari.app, it shows a green “OK” QUIC message?!?

I have tested UDP access (port:28967) at https://check-host.net/check-udp. It replies “Open or filtered” for any host trying to connect to my StorJ node.

My problem was solved after rebooting my Mac. Then, everything seems to be correctly working (Chrome/Safari):

Hope this can help community!

You may just hard refresh (Ctel-F5) your browser. The QUIC status is now checked on each check-in (1h by default).

Hi Alexey,
Do you have the key sequence equivalence for MacOS X?
[Ctrl][F5] doesn’t work on my Apple® computer ([Ctrl][F5] works on Windows OSes).

[CMD] + [R] for Macs