Quick dq question

one of my nodes got DQ on one satellite - since it was my main income (2tb) i want to start a new one.
can i safely delete the blob folder of the satellite that has DQ me or do i have to wait until some GC deletes the useless files ?

fyi i know the reason of the DQ i dont need support on this.

Hi, It’s not fully clear what is your plan.

As of now, storagnodes are connecting to 4 satellites by default (us1,eu1,ap1,saltlake).

Let’s say one of your satellite (eg. eu1) DQd your node. You have two options:

  1. Start over from the beginning: this requires full identity generation, everything from the beginning.

  2. Keep the storagenode running with restricted set of satellite (eg. us1,ap1,saltlake). And may or may not starting a new one. → It’s better if you have data for other satellites…

For 2, you need two things:

can i safely delete the blob folder…

This is actually the same as the last point, without removing the database entries → you will see a lot of strange errors in the log files. But don’t expect any other problem…

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nr 3
Gracefull exit and then step one.

with the right satelite id could be handy. force deletion with no errors.

my plan is to free up space to move some trashdata to the hdd thats dieing (or had filesystem problems)

then start new node on freed hdd thats fine

so my node has been dq from eu1 - and the blob folder v4kw… is still 1,8TB - >

GE will take time and i wont loose the data from the other satellites that still are fine with my fckt node

You can safely delete the blobs folder for the satellite which disqualified your node. Just make sure it’s the right one.

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To help with :point_up: please read :point_down:


The GE would help to exit only from remained satellites.
But this one can be deleted with the forget-satellite command for that satellite. Do not forget to use --force flag, to also remove data.