hi guys, i have received my raspberry pi. i am currently on the stage on installing docker. which docker version do i need for raspberry pi 4 running rasbian. thank you
Just follow the directions on the site it will install the newest version of docker.
hi deathlessdd, i am on this stage:
which one is it for me. i think it is debain and after that i a m stuck
This all depends on which os you have installed on the OS did you install a custom OS? If not yes it is debain OS.
i installed the latest version of raspbian of rasberry pi website
also is that the best/easiest os to use on pi 4
In my opinion for a beginner yes but for me I wouldnât because You donât really want to run a GUI ontop of running a node you want all the performance you can get. But thats just me I installed ubuntu on my RPI4
which version on ubuntu. i can try it. i have back up my identity. i am stuck on getting docker to work on this
You can check this site out, https://ubuntu.com/download/raspberry-pi
did you use 18.04.4 LTS or 19.10?
I used 18.04 cause its not too updated 19.10 I dont like yet.
ok i will use that as well. thank you for your help. after i install that do i follow the steps again or do i need to install anything else or change setting to improve performance.
Yeah just follow the steps the same way for pretty much any linux build is pretty much the same.
I used the headless raspbian and have no complaints or issues but its 100% cli
i was struggling with installing docker when i had raspbian installed. looks like i need more help that other people here lol. i just want this up and running
i am the port forwarding page on step on Dynamic Update Client for Linux.
Once in the directory, type:
make install
Youâll then be prompted to log in with your NoIP account username and password.
If you get âmake not foundâ or âmissing gccâ then you donât have the gcc compiler tools installed. Install the gcc compiler tools to proceed.
when i type in make install it says make not found. how do i fix this. i did not have any issues here when i was on rasbian. please help
I dont use Dynamic update client you have to remember theres no longer a gui so its kinda limited of things you normally do but you should still be able to install it, You probably need to install make to be able to use it. Ubuntu server is barebones you have to install everything manually that you want to use.
Most routers let you set up DDNS as well, which saves you from having to install the DUC on the node itself.
my router/modem is virgin media super hub 3. i had a look and i dont think it supports ddns. i have given up for a while. ive got a couple of other things to do and i will have another go once im done
Hello i have bought a raspberry pi 4 4gb for hosting a node and a couple of other things. i have tried to follow the instructions however i was getting stuck on a couple of things. first i was struggling to install docker on raspbian. I then tried ubuntu but had the same issues. i then left it as i was getting nowhere and was getting frustrated.
is there someone here i can contact tomorrow to guide me when i get stuck. i would love to get this up and running. i live the uk btw for time reference