Raspberry Pi 4: Which configuration?


I am planning to set up a Raspberry Pi based storagenode (Raspberry Pi 4 B rev 1.2, 4GB)
I am following this tutorial.

I’ve read on this post that the following parameters are not required for a Pi 4 with 4GB RAM:

--log-opt max-size=50m
--log-opt max-file=10

But is the cgroup configuration required for this model? I am talking about this line in the /boot/cmdline.txt file:

group_enable=memory cgroup_memory=1 swapaccount=1

Thank you for your help!

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The only this parameter is not needed since the rpi4 has a much more RAM

Other two for log rotation. By default docker store logs on your system drive. In case of RPI it’s SD card. It’s not unlimited.

The other parameters for the RPI itself is still needed to fix the hanging of the RPI during time

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One small refinement that isn’t relevant for you. But there is a 1GB version still. If anyone uses that one the memory limitation is still advisable. Though I would really suggest nobody buys that one at all.

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By the way, what does that mean exactly?

group_enable=memory cgroup_memory=1 swapaccount=1

If you don’t know what that means, you shouldn’t use it.

btw the RaspberryPi, an SD card and SWAP are not good. Disable swap.

That’s why I’m asking :slightly_smiling_face:
Could you tell me what it means?

btw the RaspberryPi, an SD card and SWAP are not good. Disable swap.

Thanks for the advice.
Anyway, I am trying to put the filesystem on the USB device (except /boot since it’s not possible yet for RPi4).

Unfortunately I can not answer without having to lie so I leave somebody there who knows better.

USBroot is unfortunately not yet possible with the RPi 4 but you can outsource the file system to USB and only boot from the SD card. There are enough instructions for this on the net.

That’s indeed exactly what I’m planning to do :slight_smile:

to remove such warnings (by enabling support in the kernel):

WARNING: No memory limit support
WARNING: No swap limit support
WARNING: No kernel memory limit support
WARNING: No oom kill disable support

However, in raspbian you can still see a warning (because it can be not included to the kernel of your version)

WARNING: No swap limit support

See https://blog.raveland.org/post/docker_raspian/

From the practice the RPI can hanging if those parameters are not enabled.