Recent garbage dump?

With the more recent version(but not latest version, still waiting for docker update) , I think the node is respecting my storage limit but the dashboard is wrong. My node is full but on the dashboard the number shown as available is about equal to the size of the trash folder. My node has the storage limit set to 511.2 GB but it stopped accepting new ingress and reported “out of space” when the dashboard showed 496.0 GB used space and 15.2GB available. 15.2GB is about the size of my trash folder. Coincidence?

This issue was reported by another user on github 18 days ago "Out of space" message on available disk space node · Issue #3783 · storj/storj · GitHub but it has not been acknowledged or tagged as a bug or work in progress.

When I checked a moment ago, This issue is also not listed in the Known issues we are working on