Release preparation v1.111

New release candidate is deployed on QA Satellite




  • 3891041 satellite/satellitedb/orders: minimal unit test for GetBucketBandwidth
  • a5e2ec3 satellite/satellitedb: Implement Orders UpdateBucketBandwidthAllocation in Spanner
  • dc3a994 satellite/satellitedb: spanner version of updateCheckInDirectUpdate
  • f2b13ba satellite/satellitedb: Implement Orders UpdateBucketBandwidthSettle ProjectAccounting GetProjectSettledBandwidthTotal in Spanner
  • 87b6b4d satellite/metabase: fix TestDisallowDoubleUnversioned for postgres
  • d346758 satellite/{db, console}: add GetPagedActiveByUserID method for WebappSessions
  • 9e4bfbd satellite/console: add endpoint to query paged active user sessions
  • 8715e98 web/satellite: improve user experience during file deletes
  • 73e1c5b satellite/satellitedb: Implement Orders UpdateBucketBandwidthInline in Spanner
  • 605b6bf satellite/satellitedb: Implement Orders UpdateStoragenodeBandwidthSettle in Spanner
  • 47cf2ff web/satellite: update delete bucket dialog
  • 92b9394 satellite/paments/billing: enabled billing.go test cases
  • a816791 satellite/repair/checker: add metrics for online/offline nodes
  • e7c9709 web/satellite: added active sessions table view
  • c83a7a5 satellite/console: add endpoint to invalidate user session by ID
  • 5ae6586 web/satellite: added functionality to invalidate user session
  • 3f546ef satellite/metabase: drop object lock precommit modes
  • 6f4de2f satellite/{web,console,payments}: handle failed payment attempts better
  • 1f5b52b web/satellite: fix dashboard chart date range
  • 1a2f078 satellite/satellitedb: added spanner queries to invoiceprojectrecords
  • ba877ef satellite/satellitedb: spannerdb queries to reputations
  • 4fe5c72 web/satellite: prevent bucket delete when uploading to it
  • 4a321f3 web/satellite: fix tables limit change behaviour
  • d289957 web/satellite: update create project dialog back button label
  • 014d59c web/satellite: fix stale s3 data on project switch
  • 8ffc29f web/satellite: billing page text and color updates
  • 6ff1574 web/satellite: fix passphrase prompt
  • dba0a43 satellite/repair: attempt to select multiple items from repair queue
  • b3c53e0 satellite/snopayouts: enabled payouts test cases in payouts_test.go
  • 2b0a537 satellite/paments/stripe: enabled coinpaymentstxs test cases in transactions_test.go
  • 18fc27f satellite/satellitedb: fix spanner query
  • b13da62 satellite/satellitedb: cleanup some reputations queries
  • 71165e5 satellite/satellitedb: enabled projectinvitations test cases in projectinvitations_test.go
  • e596d21 satellite/satellitedb: temporary workaround for testplanet+spanenner unit tests
  • 3a45e6f satellite: enable test planet tests for order related Spanner implementation
  • 8dc55e0 web/satellite: highlight expired credit cards
  • afbcf4f satellite/satellitedb: ignore AlreadyExists in billing.Insert in case of Spanner
  • 88e3df5 satellite/satellitedb: make indentation consistent in orders
  • d9bc45f satellite/gc/bloomfilter: use nodeidmap instead of map[storj.NodeID]
  • 0fe2664 satellite/satellitedb: enabled consoledb.go test cases in consoledb_test.go
  • fa97ab4 satellite/attribution: Spanner implementation of attribution Queries
  • e7dc4aa satellite/repair/repairer: improve irreparable segment logging
  • 93b043c satellite/satellitedb: fix IncrementNotificationsCount for spanner
  • 5078b6b satellite/satellitedb: enabled bucketsdb.go test cases
  • 31d418a satellite/metainfo: don’t check download limits for some projects
  • 36640d2 web/satellite: fix selected project visual bug
  • 460f472 satellite/{console,web}: add more fields to project config response
  • cb9fe24 satellite/{db,console}: remove extra db call for encrypted passphrase
  • 6dec720 web/satellite: show onboarding stepper only for the first project
  • 1bad851 satellite/payments: TestTransactionsDBList not ready for Spanner
  • df63be5 satellite/satellitedb: Expose database dialect specific query rebinding to tests
  • 196463f satellite/satellitedb: use positional SQL for repair LIMIT, instead of str concat
  • abe40d7 satellite/satellitedb: Implement Orders UpdateBandwidthBatch in Spanner
  • f3d4e92 web/satellite: update state where limit update and no limits UI are allowed
  • 7644121 web/satellite: change order of onboarding steps
  • 9b288c0 satellite/satellitedb: enabled revocation.go test cases
  • d9c630a satellite/satellitedb: spanner db queries to webappsessions
  • 2456924 satellite/satellitedb: error consistency
  • be0c7a2 satellite/console/consoleweb: enabled regtokens test cases
  • 986e010 satellite/durability: placement level durability stat
  • a6ecb25 satellite/metainfo/config: support overriding repair threshold for placement
  • 3cc9cd0 satellite/metainfo: don’t check upload limits for some projects


  • b45daad storagenode/orders: map of open orders files
  • d5ba18d storagenode/pieces: don’t do explicit String() calls for logging
  • daa2ddb storagenode/monitor: log duration of storage checks
  • 9e900b3 storagenode: optimize monkit task
  • f3de80f cmd/storagenode-updater: cleanup old binaries after update
  • fbea9e3 storagenode/{retain,pieces}: do not return pieceIDs from GC walker
  • b08662d storagenode/pieces: update trash size on retain
  • 321484b web/storagenode: remove zksync lite from dashboard
  • dfefa9f storagenode/piecestore/usedserials: avoid full copy on delete
  • 905d5a0 storagenode/blobstore/filestore: optimize walkNamespaceWithPrefix
  • 6061d93 storagenode/blobstore/filestore: remove some monkit monitoring

Will this change have an impact on the process of deleting pieces?

Another used space bug? :man_facepalming:t2:
So we need to rerun the used space filewaker… again.

This fix was in v1.110.3 but they also tagged it for v1.111 for some reason

Node UI metrics incorrect? Run used-space-filewalker

Girlfriend left you? Run used-space-filewalker

Need to lose a few pounds? Run used-space-filewalker

Tough day at work? Run used-space-filewalker

Used-space-filewalker has been running 8 days and hasn’t completed yet? Don’t worry an upgrade is coming any day now, which will restart your node… and run used-space-filewalker :wink:


Your node has qualified as potato. :wink:


Better run used-space-filewalker then. :smiley:


I suggested not so long ago that we should just push out an update that continuously loops used-space-filewalker.

Moved to random topic in 3…2…1…

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Yes, I give that programmer a GOLD star & a RAISE!
Three Dodo birds with one stone. Good stuff.
Don’t walk - RUN to get this version.

3 cents & an extra hand. (for giving the extra bird)

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When should I see the official docker container updated?

Maybe there is no plan… :sweat_smile:

Well if it’s not gonna be updated then I guess I’ll just leave the network

It is explained in detail in the forum, so you can install and operate it without any problems. Running Docker is not difficult.
And the answers to questions were quick so there were no problems.

Buddy I practically run everything in Docker if it’s able to be ran in it. I removed the Docker image pulled the new image and it’s at the same vision so no new updates have been pushed to it

Docker image dosen’t update like it used to.
The updates are handled by the storagenode software itself, aka the container updates itself, no matter what the image does.
The second thing you should notice is that updates follow a pointer, meaning when your nodes ID match the pointer, it updates; untill then it dosen’t. This system ensures that the nodes are updated in batches, not all at once, to prevent a bug spreading too far.


Also to make sure all nodes do not go down for update, jeopardizing the network.

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@nerdatwork @snorkel Thanks for the clarification I guess I’ll keep an eye on it to see if it ever updates

Keep an eye on the cursor found :point_down:

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With a badger cache it would not be a case any longer:

The docker image is rarely updating, because it contains only a downloader and a basic OS. The new version is updated inside the container with a storagenode-updater process accordingly
You may check a progress with these tools:

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