Release preparation v1.44

Stuff to test on the QA satellite:

This is the most important test on my list that I would like to test today. I have a bucket prepared that is locked to Germany. I have uploaded a bigger file this morning between 2021-11-28T01:34 UTC and 2021-11-28T02:26 UTC. I can confirm that my storage node in Germany has received a lot of pieces. It would be awesome if the testnet nodes outside of Germany could check their logs. Ideally, there shouldn’t be any upload activity.
The second test that I want to run next would be to take a few of our test nodes offline to the point that the customer should see upload errors.

New Object Flow
Last release we had a bug with the new object flow and couldn’t enable it on the production satellites. Now the bug has been fixed and we can move forward. Friendly reminder we are still looking for feedback. Last chance to stop us from enabling it in production: Looking for feedback on buckets table in the GUI

Note: What do you think about removing the signup restriction on the QA satellite? We are worried that we are missing feedback by playing gatekeepers for a test network that could be open to everyone.

Grafana Email Alert on low success rate
The email alerts on my Grafana dashboard are currently paused. This release contains the necessary code changes to get them working.

There have been a few uplinkng improvements. For example server-side move.

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