Removed storage-dir-verification - How to recover?

Good afternoon.
The node is running on Windows and when doing maintenance I deleted the storage-dir-verification.
Now the node won’t start.
Can you please tell me how to generate a new file? before that everything worked.

The file needs to contain your node ID, in binary form. I don’t know a trivial way to do that, but it can be done.

Do you have a hex editor you can use?

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Storage-dir-verification creation happens on node setup.
I don’t know how to do it on Windows, but on Linux, if you run the initial setup command the file gets created along with all the initial config files and directory:

Just make sure that you don’t overwrite your existing node. I would suggest to create a temporary directory, copy your identity in there and run the setup command pointing all paths into this temporary location as all initial files and folders will be created.

Good afternoon. It is necessary that in the official instruction there were answers to such questions.

I made a backup copy of the settings file and then ran:

storagenode.exe setup

I created a structure and a storage-dir-verification file in a new folder.
After that, I restored the configuration file, moved the storage-dir-verification file itself to the location where it should be, and launched the node.
Everything worked.

Thanks to all

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For Windows node it’s happening during install. So the easy method - uninstall the node, remove c:\Program Files\Storj folder and install node back.

The more complex - use storagenode.exe setup command, but you need to specify the identity location, config location and data location.

Can someone put some instructions of how to create the file from Node ID with an hex editor?

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No, but you may execute a setup command with the correct identity but with temporary directory as a data location, then took the file from there and put it to the correct data location.

It’s not a hex editor but if your on linux and you have base58 installed (sudo apt install base58 ) You could try something like this from the command line:

echo YourID  | base58 -d  | dd bs=1 skip=1 count=32 > New-storage-dir-verification

Just replace “YourID” with your actual node id. It will generate a file called: New-storage-dir-verification, just rename it to storage-dir-verification