Repair egress significant, why?

I think most of the questions are already answered. If not just let me know if I can help.

I would like to add a few information.

  1. At the moment we trigger repair already at 52 pieces instead of 35. This doubles the repair download. Long term you should expect less repair downloads. It should not change the repair upload. We repair the file twice as much but we need to replace less pieces.
    The reason for this higher repair threshold is safety. We haven’t lost a single file even with some bugs in place. We want to be very careful here.
  2. For the past few month the repair queue was growing faster then we could drain it. This is not a big deal because the lowest health on the queue was maybe 50 or so. Long term it would mean that the minimum health will slowly decrease and in some months we might lose files. For that reason we scaled up repair workers. The best way to avoid scaling issues is to target for an empty queue. The side effect of that decision is that you currently get more repair uploads and downloads than you normaly would get. As soon as the queue is empty the repair uploads and downloads should drop significant. Please don’t start estimating your repair traffic. This is a short term event while we draining the repair queue.