Repair traffic decrease since april 6th

The repair ingress/egress on my nodes significantly decreased since April 6th. It is like 10% of the earlier.
Is it just for me, or anyone else see the same trend/change?
Normal ingress/egress is about the same as earlier.

I’ve got massive reduce in bandwith (ingress/egress/repair)

This probably the effect of Discontinuation of the Storj Free Tier, now we are see real customer traffic on the network.

Deleting the old free tier data left a lot of previously full nodes with available space. This means that the total system ingress is split over more nodes, reducing the ingress that you can observe.

This will probably be the case for several months.

As for reduced repair traffic, I can see the same pattern but I don’t have an explaination for it for the moment.


So many deletions (and fixes for stuff that should have been deleted) I wouldn’t be surprised to see a couple months of stagnant usage.

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Would love to ask Storj how long they plan for deleting, but I understand there are some condition they can’t tell us yet.

P/s: removed incorrect information

You are quoting a 6 year old reddit post that was referring to the long deprecated v2 network. Those limits do not apply in the v3 network, there are no more 90 day contracts.


You do realise the linked post is for data pertaining to the dashboard. The reddit link is from 6 years ago when V2 was active. Please check your source before such claims.