like @anon27637763 predicted my web dashboard died.
i tried stopping, removing the node and launching the run command, pretty sure nothing relevant has changed aside from me deleting the reputation.db and recreating it again using the command from your post.
was i suppose to add data in sqlite3 command or keep it as is?
because that is my best guess for why my webdash is down… tho haven’t tried to reboot the host OS… so maybe it will fix itself when i do that… i plan on getting that done tomorrow if i haven’t gotten the webdash fixed.
anyways, i was hoping you might in your great wisdom might have a suggestion.
i also have access to other webservices on the same ip, so no firewall stuff or such, and it used to work before i fucked the .db…
did disable ipv6… my swap on the host OS, but yeah nothing that should even remotely explain this.
was seeing some iowait peaks, turned out tinkering with a VM’s RAM, made the host OS swap and well lead to Iowaits which correlated with some ipv6 so i keeled it, but not like it ipv6 was configured anyways… so…
the webdash site just times out…like its service crashed and isn’t restarting… is there a way to check that…