how can I run a node without docker?
Hi, welcome to the forum.
You do not need docker with a GUI install on windows. In the docs under setup, chose “GUI Install - Windows”.
Here is a video tutorial on the setup.
@Enzo thanks very much, I am not on Windows though.
On that docs page there is a linux cli install section as well but that includes only docker based installation
Yes, with a CLI install you must use docker. You can only NOT run docker on windows.
Extract storagenode binary from docker image, create systemd service, edit config.yaml
Check this post where i ask for arm binary.
But if you have docker image for you platform simple use docker cp command
@Enzo No you don’t HAVE TO run Docker. You don’t even have to use the precompiled binary. I’v been running my node for weeks by now, with a self-compiled storagenode binary.
Ok, thanks @smurfix, good to know!
Sorry to revive this thread.
I am trying to install Storj on my ReadyNAS but its OS is based on Debian Jessie so I can’t install Docker (needs Stretch or Buster).
I am not very well versed in Linux, so I wonder if anyone could point me to a more step-by-step instruction manual on how to install Storj without docker?
Or is it a REALLY bad idea to do so?
Many thanks
Wait… what? Wheezy is older than Jessie. If Jessie doesn’t support it, there’s no way Wheezy can.
I meant Stretch or Buster. Sorry! I’ve amended my post.
We are working on Linux binary and updater packed into popular package distribution formats.
Stay tuned!
Thank you, looking forward to sudo apt-get install storj
I run Storj without docker some months. I wrote updater script in powershell. You can look it in my github.
Also there is a sample for systemd service file.
I am running it on a VPS service for (uncool reasons) and it only works with linux kernel 2.6.x no updates. It sucks. Please provide the binaries instead of docker. I understand docker it much easier developer wise but it really hinders us slave to Docker C-level decisions. Compilable binaries FTW! Love you guys, and please pay more for the user, it is pennies atm and with energy and internet costs in developed countries, I am paying to support you, out of sheer love.
You can build them yourself from the source
The more wide distribution is in the progress
Hi is there an eta on a non docker ubuntu package as have nodes waiting to go.
Out of curiosity, is there a reason why you can’t use Docker?
Hello @stretch,
Welcome to the forum!