Running more Nodes

Hi again,

I am planning to run more than one nodes behind the same IP. Would that be possible? And if yes, how could I configure the ports on the NASes? I am planning to run STORJ on three QNAP NASes that I am not using anymore.

With kind regards,
Angelos Pitsos

You can, although data will be split between the nodes, you won’t get more data by having more nodes. So it’s typically better to fill one node’s drive before adding another to reduce complexity.

As for configuring the ports on the NAS, I don’t have experience with QNAP. From the Storj node software perspective, you would just change the port assignments in the run command. You would need to make sure you have your router port forwarding for each port, and that you have a static public IP or DDNS to facilitate communication.


Hi @Knowledge!

Thanks a lot for your response. I have a couple more questions. If I have another public IP for the second node, which means that I also use the same common port (28967) on the second node as well, would it help getting more data on my nodes? The second public IP will still be from the same /24 subnet.

The second question is related with the identity. I suppose that each node needs its own identity, right? So I have to produce a new one. is that correct?

Kind regards,
Angelos Pitsos

If it is on the same public subnet you would not receive additional data. That is how it selects nodes, first by subnet, then by node.

Yes, you will need a unique identity for each node, but they can have the same payout address.

…and registered under the same email address I suppose. Because I could create already a new key with the same email address.

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That would be ideal as you’ll get notifications if your node goes offline.

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