Satellite names changed?

Is the name change to the satellites a planned thing ? just set of my node monitor as it’s suddenly seeing 9 of them on my elastic stack and Zabbix ha :smiley: clearly I need to not hard code names in scripts when screen scraping :heart:

  • us1
  • ap1
  • eu1


It’s never a good idea to hard code names :slight_smile:

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Great… I have some hardcoded names too since the names are not written in the log files… Only the satellite ID…
Might be nice to announce stuff like that beforehand.


might be a sign the migrations is going well… i sure have a much easier time to keep track of multiple things of the same, if i give the new clone a new name… :smiley:

You mean, it’s never a good idea to hardcode IP’s but preferred and recommended to hardcode host names :smiley:

An IP can change against a host name but the host name stays the same. Especially for disaster and recovery scenarios you don’t want different host names or hardcode IP’s. :smiley:

maybe they need something like dns with a primary and a secondary address
so a satellite when connected to the network tells the network of its backup location.
so its sort of like mirror image of the dns concept and is pushed to nodes and other satellites… or something…
and not used when stuff works but when stuff is down.