Second Node on Router

I am Trying to set up a second node on another PC same Router as the first I can seem to get it online. Not Sure if I’m doing this right.

I have the Router External port forward to 28968 and Internal to 28967 UDP\TCP

YAML Config

the public address of the node, useful for nodes behind NAT

contact.external-address: “28968”

public address to listen on

server.address: :28967

Also do I need another NO-IP Address? or can I use the same as the first PC?
I Tried Both and still couldn’t get it to work.

you can use same dns name. can you show port forward rule?
second PC is linux or windows? if windows firewall?

I’m Running Windows

I’m not sure how to show you my Port Rule.
But it’s something like this

Port Rule Computer 1 (Single port Forward UDP\TCP External 28967 Internal 28967)
Port Rule Computer 2 (Single Port Foward UDP\TCP External 28968 Internal 28967)

New-NetFirewallRule -DisplayName “Storj v3 TCP” -Direction Inbound -Protocol TCP -LocalPort 28968 -Action allow
New-NetFirewallRule -DisplayName “Storj v3 UDP” -Direction Inbound -Protocol UDP -LocalPort 28968 -Action allow
I ran These commands then Changed the Port From 28967 to 28968

what port did you opened in windows firewall? it shold be 28967 there as you triggered it from 28968 to 28967 in router


Honestly I’m not to sure what your referring to.

I just went through my Firewall and changed inbound rules to 28967 TCP\UDP
Same Results

You need new identity for all nodes !

For further nodes you can/should/must reuse ip/dns payout adress and email.

You need new :drive, cpu core, port, bandwidh, and singed identity.

Any problems? logfile? dashboard?

I have the same IP\DNS, Wallet, & Email.
New pc. with its own Drive, and downloaded a new Identity, with a new token.

I’m not sure how to check my log files.

can you confirm that in router you made NAT 28968 to 28967 to internal IP.
then On Pc you opened inbound in windows firewall 28967.
also check that you pc ip match ip that you routed in NAT

its in the install folder you choose, the storagenode.log, open it with notepad++ or notepad

You should not only download an identity binary, but also generate a new identity identity create storagenode or identity create storagenode2.

But I guess you did so.
The problem here looks like you need to forward both TCP/UDP ports 28968 to the 28967 port on the IP of your second host.
Please note - 28968 to 28967. Or you would be forced to update the internal port on the second node, for example, to use 28968 as a server.address option in the config.yaml. In that case you may forward 28968 to 28968.

  • This is what the port forward setting look like on my router. :point_up_2:
    (with Different IP Addresses)

  • Fire Wall Is set up for Inbound Rule TCP\UDP 28967

  • Config.yaml Files are as follows.

public address to listen on

server.address: :28967

the public address of the node, useful for nodes behind NAT

contact.external-address: “28968”

And I cannot locate Storagenode.logs file.

On My second PC. DashBoard Would I still use Host Local Host :14002 ?

If the 2 nodes are on different machines, than each one can use the same internal ports for all the ports you have in config; only the external ports, that are facing the internet, should be different, aka 28967, 28968, etc.
The 1400x is only for LAN or local access, not for external access from internet. Can be the same on all machines.
I would start again with the second node in the new pc:

  • sync the time on that PC.
  • allocate a fix LAN IP for that PC, unique in your local network (LAN - local, WAN - internet).
  • obtain a new token on Storj website; you can use even a fake email. The only good email that counts is in your config, to give you warnings about the state of your node.
  • generate a new identity.
  • setup the new node.
  • check the firewall rules for both protocols TCP and UDP and for updater.
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its contact.external-address: mydyndns-or-fixed-public-ip:28968

its storagenode.log in the installation folder
