Server just went down - cant boot storagenode back up

Yes, you must do so, unless you did setup your node without an installation wizard and used default location for config file (%AppData%\Storj\Storagenode) and default location for identity (%AppData%\Storj\Identity\storagenode).

If you used a wizard, then started a node from the command line without options - it will use the default ones and creates config file, storage location in %AppData% as you showed here

And this location is definitely did not match this one

So, if you continue run your storagenode from the command line, it will store data in a different location and eventually will be disqualified for losing a previous data.

From your next screenshots I can assume that you provided a different path to the wizard for storagenode installation location, so your command to see logs will be

Get-Content -Tail 20 C:\Storj\storagenode.log

And the correct config file is C:\Storj\config.yaml

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