I started a graceful exit about a month ago, and checking for the status returns back that each of the exits were successful with a completion receipt. However, over 500 GB of the total 1.5 TB are still on my drive. I wanted to inquire if Storj will be performing a clean up after the fact, or if I can manually delete the blobs myself, and if I should wait before doing so, how long should I wait? Additionally, the last contact field on the Storj web GUI is no longer updating when I refresh, I do not know if that is an intentional decision with the graceful exit.
Hello @bramnet,
Welcome back!
It should remove data after a successful GE. However you perhaps have data from the decommissioned satellites: How To Forget Untrusted Satellites
yes, it’s normal, since your node is not checking in on the satellites anymore.
If you performed GE on all satellites and have receipts of the successful finish, you may uninstall the storagenode software and delete all data and its identity.