SN satellite json data field explanation

The values in the dashboard and satellite json appear inconsistent. Is there some documentation for it?

Example from my storagenode:
“diskSpace”: {
“used”: 26.643240448,
“bandwidth”: {
“used”: 73.266891008,

I understand these units are GB (which I hope get corrected to bytes soon). The node is currently using 26GB disk, and 73GB bandwidth. ‘df’ confirms 26GB used. thats fine.

$ curl

“storageSummary”: 569771936986.2192,
“bandwidthSummary”: 21154171392,
these are actual bytes so divided into GB its Storage total 530GB and Bandwith total 19GB.

Presumably the storage total is continuously increasing so I wouldnt expect it to match the current 26GB used, but if its cumulative, and presuming the bandwidth total covers the same time period, bandwidth total would need to at least equal the storage total since every byte stored comes over the ‘bandwidth’.

Storage numbers are in Byte*hours. So for every hour you store 1B you get 1Bh. Storj also displays decimal units on the dashboards, so in your case it’s 569.77GBh. Which should be what you see on the (web) dashboard as well.

Okay thanks. Is there a way to determine the start and stop time (or at least number of hours) for the period being used when calculating the storage total byte hours?

Sure, it’s the hours since the start of the month in UTC.