SNO Capacity Planning

Currently no because there is no basis for such a planning as almost every number that the nodes provide is not reliable or just wrong. And unfortunately there is only slow progress in fixing this as whenever this is getting mentioned we hear it is “low priority”.
Due to various bugs several of my nodes show wrong bandwidth, wrong used space, wrong trash, wrong average used space, wrong estimates, wrong everything…
On what basis do you want me to answer your question when I even don’t know how much space is occupied and used or is going to be trashed on a node.
So I guess a planning to expand are halted until the numbers are reliable again.

I see there are possible fixes in version 1.105 and 1.106 but again it seem low priority for Storj to get them out as there is no progress in rolling them out. My understanding for all of this is going close to zero.

And then there is the issues with countless filewalkers and databases that cause one problem after the other…

Edit: We have saying here to “shoot yourself in the foot.” In my case this is what Storj doing with all those wrong numbers und unreliable data from the nodes and not fixing them or not releasing the fixes in a timely manner.