I didn’t want to put the competitor’s name as a topic name to not make it look like an ad. This time it’s Hetzner, it seems they finally (as it was know for a year they’re working on it) announced it:
Its Beta now, Summit visitors can register for it.
When creating a bucket, it says “We charge a base price of €0.0096/hour for every hour of Object Storage runtime, up to a maximum of €5.95/month. You receive 1 TB of storage and 1.5 GB of traffic included per hour of Object Storage runtime. If the included quotas are exceeded, additional storage is charged at €0.0096 per TB hour and additional traffic at €1.19 per TB.”.
This is with 19% vat in germany.
At the current conversion rates, without VAT: 6.57 USD / TB / month storage, 1.11 / TB of egress bandwidth outside of region. Egress is the same cost they charge for their VPS.
You sign up for object storage. You pay €0.0096/hour for every hour, whether or not you use it. This is the base price. You get 1 TB and 1.5 GB traffic in this base price “for free”.
On top of that in every hour you have object storage enabled, you pay €0.0096 per TB hour for storage and €1.19 per TB for traffic, if you exceed that first TB of storage and 1.5 GB of traffic during that hour.
This is how I understand the reddit comment description.
I read it as it was €0.0096/hour (€5.95 TBm?) with a minimum charge for 1TBm. And as part of that you got… I’m guessing… around 24 * 30 * 1.5GB = 1TB’ish of monthly traffic to go with it. As you used (and paid for) more TB of storage… you also got more traffic to go with it… however if you used more traffic than what your storage allotment covered… extra traffic was €1.19 per TB
TL;DR; I thought every one $6.57 USD / TBm of space you paid for you got one TB of ‘free’ traffic to go with it.