You are my hero!
Look when I had requested such a feature:
Unfortunately I am not a coder and cannot do it by myself.
So great that you did it.
The MND needs a lot of more features as it is very user unfriendly currently.
If you care to add more, I am sure me and others have plenty of ideas.
For example:
- Filter
- Filter as you type
- Sort over multiple columns
- Different colors (Red if a node is offline/unreachable or has bad stats)
- Unreachable/offline nodes always on top
- And if you are really into it, maybe we can receive even more data from the API and display it like node age or others.
And I guess many many more. Unfortunately the devs of this MND have other important things to do so there is no question that if anybody who is able to improve it can chime in anytime and help to make it better.