Speeding up S3FS (or alternatives?)

Hello! Recently I’ve been using S3FS, and it’s good, but it takes an unbelievable amount of time to sync files. Tools like uplink can do this considerably faster, and I was wondering if a special solution that had the speeds of Uplink could be implemented into S3FS, speeding it up dramatically. I would also be open to alternatives, but rclone doesn’t work and is much more complex.

Any tool that emulates a full-featured file system on top of the S3 protocol will be slow. Get rclone to work for you, it works for others.


I’ve tried RCLONE various times, but it is just not working on my Raspberry Pi.

this is weird. It usually works everywhere. What is the error?

I have set it up, and it is in my remotes. Now when I use rclone mount like this:
rclone mount mc-server: /storj/mc
It just hangs. I want to mount the entire bucket to /storj/mc.

Any tool that emulates a full-featured file system on top of the S3 protocol will be slow, rclone included.

Don’t rclone mount if you want speed. Use rclone sync instead if all you want to do is to sync up a directory, because then rclone doesn’t have to emulate a file system.


That makes sense. Thanks!

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