Storage Node running on Raspberry Pi 4 not showing Dashboard

Alright, I changed the config and now it runs fine. Still doesn’t show the dashboard lol

sudo docker logs --tail 100 storagenode

2019-11-21T21:48:24.222Z INFO Configuration loaded from: /app/config/config.yaml

2019-11-21T21:48:24.228Z INFO Operator email: my email lol

2019-11-21T21:48:24.228Z INFO operator wallet: why

2019-11-21T21:48:24.646Z INFO version running on version v0.26.2

2019-11-21T21:48:24.683Z INFO db.migration.0 Initial setup

2019-11-21T21:48:24.687Z INFO db.migration.1 Network Wipe #2

2019-11-21T21:48:24.688Z INFO db.migration.2 Add tracking of deletion failures.

2019-11-21T21:48:24.689Z INFO db.migration.3 Add vouchersDB for storing and retrieving vouchers.

2019-11-21T21:48:24.690Z INFO db.migration.4 Add index on pieceinfo expireation

2019-11-21T21:48:24.692Z INFO db.migration.5 Partial Network Wipe - Tardigrade Satellites

2019-11-21T21:48:24.693Z INFO db.migration.6 Add creation date.

2019-11-21T21:48:24.694Z INFO db.migration.7 Drop certificate table.

2019-11-21T21:48:24.695Z INFO db.migration.8 Drop old used serials and remove pieceinfo_deletion_failed index.

2019-11-21T21:48:24.696Z INFO db.migration.9 Add order limit table.

2019-11-21T21:48:24.698Z INFO db.migration.10 Optimize index usage.

2019-11-21T21:48:24.699Z INFO db.migration.11 Create bandwidth_usage_rollup table.

2019-11-21T21:48:24.700Z INFO db.migration.12 Clear Tables from Alpha data

2019-11-21T21:48:24.703Z INFO db.migration.13 Free Storagenodes from trash data

2019-11-21T21:48:24.704Z INFO db.migration.14 Free Storagenodes from orphaned tmp data

2019-11-21T21:48:24.705Z INFO db.migration.15 Start piece_expirations table, deprecate pieceinfo table

2019-11-21T21:48:24.707Z INFO db.migration.16 Add reputation and storage usage cache tables

2019-11-21T21:48:24.708Z INFO db.migration.17 Create piece_space_used table

2019-11-21T21:48:24.710Z INFO db.migration.18 Drop vouchers table

2019-11-21T21:48:24.711Z INFO db.migration.19 Add disqualified field to reputation

2019-11-21T21:48:24.712Z INFO db.migration.20 Empty storage_usage table, rename storage_usage.timestamp to interval_start

2019-11-21T21:48:24.713Z INFO db.migration.21 Create satellites table and satellites_exit_progress table

2019-11-21T21:48:24.715Z INFO db.migration.22 Vacuum info db

2019-11-21T21:48:24.726Z INFO db.migration.23 Split into multiple sqlite databases

2019-11-21T21:48:25.258Z INFO db.migration.24 Drop unneeded tables in deprecatedInfoDB

2019-11-21T21:48:25.319Z INFO db.migration.25 Remove address from satellites table

2019-11-21T21:48:25.325Z INFO db.migration Database Version {“version”: 25}

2019-11-21T21:48:25.330Z INFO bandwidth Performing bandwidth usage rollups

2019-11-21T21:48:25.336Z INFO Node 12YJs9aGU7TDzAdU5FfRk3AHjY2JeA3XY3ubEN9ReUEciQW7gag started

2019-11-21T21:48:25.336Z INFO Public server started on [::]:28967

2019-11-21T21:48:25.336Z INFO Private server started on

2019-11-21T21:48:25.335Z INFO contact:chore Storagenode contact chore starting up

2019-11-21T21:48:25.340Z INFO piecestore:monitor Remaining Bandwidth {“bytes”: 20000000000000}

2019-11-21T21:48:25.340Z WARN piecestore:monitor Disk space is less than requested. Allocating space {“bytes”: 933323710464}

2019-11-21T21:48:25.404Z INFO version running on version v0.26.2

2019-11-21T21:49:07.966Z INFO piecestore upload started {“Piece ID”: “3KITPPBWTAIY6Z5H652OC3QJ37DNFSVNK4E2V576WUV5GDZSIIOA”, “Satellite ID”: “118UWpMCHzs6CvSgWd9BfFVjw5K9pZbJjkfZJexMtSkmKxvvAW”, “Action”: “PUT”}

2019-11-21T21:49:11.726Z INFO piecestore uploaded {“Piece ID”: “3KITPPBWTAIY6Z5H652OC3QJ37DNFSVNK4E2V576WUV5GDZSIIOA”, “Satellite ID”: “118UWpMCHzs6CvSgWd9BfFVjw5K9pZbJjkfZJexMtSkmKxvvAW”, “Action”: “PUT”}

2019-11-21T21:49:28.340Z INFO piecestore upload started {“Piece ID”: “LVAQX46XBMPEOV5PXEOSVLZW2EAPPZ54XH3I4MRISDXXVJ6P6DAQ”, “Satellite ID”: “12L9ZFwhzVpuEKMUNUqkaTLGzwY9G24tbiigLiXpmZWKwmcNDDs”, “Action”: “PUT”}

2019-11-21T21:49:28.851Z INFO piecestore uploaded {“Piece ID”: “LVAQX46XBMPEOV5PXEOSVLZW2EAPPZ54XH3I4MRISDXXVJ6P6DAQ”, “Satellite ID”: “12L9ZFwhzVpuEKMUNUqkaTLGzwY9G24tbiigLiXpmZWKwmcNDDs”, “Action”: “PUT”}

As i tolded you you have less than 1 TB. but it should not be the reason

Yeah it should be ok. I dont know why its not showing up fo r the dashboard tho

you trying on pi or outsice of pi from local network?

Nope, its in my local network.

try on pi itself localhost:14002

I did. It shows up there.
I don’t know whats blocking it from my computer. I’m going to research a bit on firewalls that come wiuth the pi.

Alright. I don’t think its a firewall issue because it doesnt come with one out of the box.

did you made first setup by some manual? lot of manuals tels you tu install firewall

Nope, I didnt install a firewall. I checked and ufw was not installed.

sudo netstat -lt

Look for 14002

Active Internet connections (only servers)
Proto Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address Foreign Address State
tcp 0 0* LISTEN
tcp 0 0 localhost:4040* LISTEN
tcp6 0 0 [::]:14002 [::]:* LISTEN
tcp6 0 0 [::]:ssh [::]:* LISTEN
tcp6 0 0 [::]:28967 [::]:* LISTEN

@anon27637763 ???

wat do i do

Please, show the output of the commands:

docker inspect storagenode -f '{{ .HostConfig.PortBindings }}'
docker exec -it storagenode grep console /app/config/config.yaml

The ports look fine on the RPi host.

The next thing to check is what a connection looks like from a different LAN host, assuming that’s what you’re trying to do…

Host B:

curl -I

Also, please note that your method of posting a single sentence followed by another single piece of information 22 seconds later creates a disjointed and difficult thread to follow… and almost always guarantees that you will get confusing or wrong information for your particular situation. In general, if you want help, it’s best to collect as much information as possible and post fewer messages — pausing for at least 5 minutes in the thread for other people to read, think, and respond.

It seems that you have three distinct issues:

  1. Inoperable connection via your LAN to the SN dashboard, as opposed to the WAN, which would be an entirely different problem.
  2. Incorrectly mounted external USB hard drive.
  3. Smaller than Storj Network minimum requested storage space.

It’s unclear from the disjointed posts above if you are requesting help in configuring the dashboard to be accessible from LAN hosts or over the WAN connection from the open Internet.

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Output of first command:
map[14002/tcp:[{ 14002}] 28967/tcp:[{ 28967}]]

output of second:


console.static-dir: “”

configures log encoding. can either be ‘console’ or ‘json’

log.encoding: console

Whatever free space you have use only 90% of it and keep 10% as overhead. Edit your docker run command accordingly with correct free space.

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With such configuration you can see the dashboard only locally on your raspberry pi.
To see on other device you can use a ssh tunnel:

ssh -L 14002:localhost:14002 pi@pi.address

Where pi.address is an address of your RPI in your network.
When the tunnel is established, you can open the dashboard on the device, where you run this command.