Storagenode updater is Stoping

when i updted my nodes, i discovered that storagenode-updater not runing at all on one of my pc.
Log show something it try update itself but cant.
2020-01-30T22:44:43.432+0200 INFO Start downloading to C:\Windows\TEMP\storagenode-updater053938614
2020-01-30T22:44:45.325+0200 INFO Finished downloading to C:\Windows\TEMP\storagenode-updater053938614
2020-01-30T22:44:46.679+0200 INFO Restarting service storagenode-updater
2020-01-30T22:44:46.849+0200 INFO Interrogate request received.
2020-01-30T22:44:46.950+0200 INFO Stop/Shutdown request received.
2020-01-30T22:45:06.995+0200 ERROR Error updating storagenode-updater: Unable to restart service:
C:\Windows\system32>net stop storagenode-updater && net start storagenode-updater

The Storj V3 Storage Node Updater service could not be stopped.

The service is starting or stopping. Please try again later.

Here is updater version is 31.12, but on other pc is 0.0.9 and all working.

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I keep having this issue on my Windows Server node and don’t know how to resolve it. Updating manually gets me up to the latest version but sometimes I don’t notice for days

Same here

Storj V3 Storage Node Updater konnte nicht beendet werden.
Der Dienst wird gerade gestartet oder beendet. Versuchen Sie es sp„ter erneut.

can copy updater from old gui nodes, will work ok.