Store 1 PB on Select network, get 100 TB free on Public network

If Storj was about to create an offer for Select customers. Something like: Store xy amount on the Select network, get xyz for free on the Public network, would you as SNO accept lower or even no payment at all for space dedicated to such an offer?

If yes, vote. if you want, add in the comments how much space you would assign to that. Keep in mind, that a company that requires specific certifications might not be able to take advantage of such an offer, even if the wanted to.

Interesting idea. However usually Storj Select customers have a mandatory requirement of the SOC2 or similar certification. They cannot use the public network at the moment due to their security department veto.

This would be the perfect reason to make such an offer as then there is almost zero risk but it would sound good for marketing.
Similar to: Limited Time - 1PB for Free but better because it could be even unlimited.

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Maybe not all of their data requires the certification.

Discourse voting is quite pointless though. 6 people voted. Did the other 779294 did not see the poll or disagree with a proposal?


Then it’s interesting to see, is it worth it?
However, nobody would stop them to create an another account on a different satellite and use the public network.

I don’t think, that voting changes anything here. The customer was offered the public network, but they demand SOC2 I don’t think that there are any offerings necessary if they have that rule in place. They have to obey the rules and cannot change that.


I would say, that everything was better for their case on a Public network. Now they likely charged more, since Select is a more expensive solution.

I would hope for a SOC2 compliance for the Storj Public network though.

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Promotional costs should come from the Storj budget, not SNOs’s.
Makes it harder for us to do our own maths and would be open to abuse.

I would vote “No” if such option existed :slightly_smiling_face:

I do, however, like the “here’s some Public Network space” candy. It is conceivable that large operators have different tiers of data, some of which might not need to be in ISO or SOC accredited facilities so that might make them see how much better the Public Network could be.

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I would vote no. Neither for free or lower cost. What you are suggesting is giving 10% free storage to customers, but that 10% free is at the cost of SNOs resources. Whether that is electricity cost, human capital to keep nodes online or hardware wear and tear.

Storj Public Network offers $4/TB and that is extremely competitive already. Especially compared to the major cloud providers like Oracle/AWS/Azure where the cost in the cloud is atleast $20/TB and Impossible Cloud is $8/TB.

If the Storj Select Network cannot be ran competitively where the costs are between the Storj Public Network and other Cloud Providers, then it should not fall on the SNOs to cover the difference.

Furthermore, if a customer is already not coming to Storj Public/Storj Select Networks already due to better cost savings, better SLAs (etc) giving them 10% more storage will not sway them anyways as there were other business reasons that caused them to go in another direction.

Finally, SNOs already are operating at a $1.5/TB margins already - which are thin - , if SNOs do not have the ability to pick any paid data over free data on their drives then running nodes does not make sense. Keep in mind the reason why the Storj Public network is $4/TB is because SNOs make it so. If Storj was running traditional data centers with staff/equipment/leases to provide these services (especially not at scale/as a newer company) it would not be possible to compete with already existing cloud providers.

You are correct, this is also why Storj Select is more expensive.

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No, that is what you are making up

This is the only part I would agree to. On the other hand, this is what SNOs are already doing with the large amounts of trash and unpaid but not (yet) trashed data.
If a SNO has free space and can decide how much he is willing to donate or get lower payment for it could be beneficial for all.
Your other arguments are heading the wrong direction I believe. I am not suggesting a new business model or making the Select network more attractive. It is more the other way around: It is a sales promotion for the Public network. By bundling free storage on the Public network with the paid service on the Select network there is a higher chance that the customer will try out the Public network, stick to it and convert into a paying customer for the Public network in the future whereas otherwise (when he would have to subscribe and pay additionally for the Public network) he may have never tried it. So this is a bundle to force the Public network on customers which would otherwise not choose or consider it.
If they don’t use that free space, nothing is lost. If they use it, there is the chance that they may start paying for it in the future.

Unfortunately it can lead to this direction:

I do not think so. They already selected. And the Public network was suggested first, so they are definitely aware and already tried, however, if they have a mandatory requirement from the security team, I do not think it would change anything.
But it’s my opinion and I want to see what other thinks.

I don’t think so. Select is more expensive and has performance is less.
Also it depends on how much free space will be offered. My numbers are just ideas.

So what do you lose if you offer free space to them and they don’t use it?

Only if the customer is not near the closest DC where we have Storj Select nodes. So, it suits not all cases, that’s true. Thus it’s called “Select” I think? :thinking:

And thank you for that!

I do not know :slight_smile:, thus shared with the team in the very beginning.

I am not mathematician so please correct me.
1PB = 1000TB → Paid on Select (Doesn’t go to SNO but to Storj)
100TB/1000TB = 10% → Free on Public (Uses SNOs resources)

That 10% is at the cost of SNO’s resources not Storj (Not select) and not the customer (Not paid)

That’s right. But it can go either to hit a Storj’s budget or reducing prices for SNOs (to offset costs a little bit). For me seems not so attractive neither from a StorjLabs perspective, nor from SNOs. However, this is my personal opinion (not as a StorjLabs representative).

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True, but this is based on Storj Protocol behavior and doesn’t incentivize public network vs select network.

This is making the Select Network more attractive as they get an additional 10% storage free. Making the Select Network more attractive at the expense of SNOs is problematic.

If the customer didn’t choose Storj Public, its for other reasons than cost/performance. More likely than not, what this allows the customers of Storj Select to have is a free testing environment. I’ve seen testing environments, what the customer will be able to do is run extensive IO tests/sandbox environments that are free. If they need additional space they will not buy additional space in these Storj Public environments, they will implement a pave/repave approach in them.

I would flip this argument, if they use that free space what is gained from a SNO perspective other than more disk wear?

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Great. Hopefully you have shared the link to the Impossible cloud promo as well as I think it is always interesting to see what competitors are doing.
My whole idea is about the question how to get a customer who as chosen the Select network to try the Public network and eventually find out, that it suits him as well or even better. If not for all of his data, at least for data that he does not need compliance for.
Therefore there should be no hurdles like additional signup or cost associated to it. It should simply be ready to use with no entry barriers.

The Public network has different characteristics than the Select network. It is not simply 10% more space. It is 10% different space they may even not be able to use, for example for data where compliance is required. For compliant data a customer must choose select, there is no choice no matter how cheap the Public network is.

This is what it is meant to be in way: They should test and see that the Public network has its own strengths compared to the Select network.

I have answered that but I say it again.
First of all, again, it would be best if Storj would keep paying SNO for this space. They pay SNO for free trial space, so why not for such a campaign.
The gain lies in the way marketing works: You hope that a customer who initially opted against the Public network, will opt into it after he finds out, that it suits his data or parts of his data as well or even better than the Select network at lower cost.

By the way we had the idea/suggestion of a promo satellite in the past where SNOs could subscribe to to support Storj with marketing or great web projects with free storage:

I think I assume it is voluntary “add in the comments how much space you would assign to that”
So I would say “sure use all my spare space for promotions” (Thats 100TB hot and ~400TB cold)

But if it is like you say I can see why you have a problem. Infact I kinda have a problem with the unpaid trash