Store files without metadata

I am trying to store only objects into storj without meta.json. is this scenario supported in storj gateway.

Hello @Zaqxsw123 ,
Welcome to the forum!

Where you take an info about such requirements to upload an object?
See Quickstart - AWS CLI and Hosted Gateway MT | Storj Docs for walkthrough with a Storj-hosted S3 Compatible Gateway | Storj Docs
See also Quickstart - Uplink CLI | Storj Docs for walkthrough with a native tool.

And answering to your question - the metadata attached to the object is optional and do not have any special treatment on gateway side. It would be putted as is, if attached.
See S3 Compatibility | Storj Docs

if metadat is optional then how can I disable it.
i am running gateway run

Where is it enabled?
Are you sure that you used this version: Self-hosted S3 Compatible Gateway | Storj Docs?
If so, what is meta.json?