Storj acquiring Valdi

This strategic move positions Storj as the only distributed cloud object storage provider to add compute capabilities, enabling us to better compete with industry giants like AWS!

Hot! :partying_face:


totally unexpected! :partying_face:


Official post made


What the?!? I guess I see a synergy… but they’re pretty different groups of customers.

Maybe AI/GPU customers will now get a certain amount of scratch space for incoming datasets and outgoing models as part of their GPU rentals? And obviously if they needed that space to stick around for awhile after the GPU processing was done… Storj would gladly charge them a reasonable fee…

(Edit: Ah I didn’t realize Valdi was offering storage too: NOW it makes sense!)

There are different aspects to their business model that align with what we do. Users resell storage for Storj. Users resell GPU for Valdi. Customer needs Storage and GPU compute. As well as one or the other.


Is this the big customer that started all these data tests?

No… Valdi has been using Storj behind-the-scenes for awhile now.

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It is not. The company won’t be announcing new customers or customer deals with the Community in general. There may always be reasonable announcements when it makes sense for the business, but in general customer deals are kept internal for a variety of reasons I won’t list here.


How do you host GPU on Valdi? Trying around VALDI | Affordable, reliable GPUs but found no documentation on how to host, are those GPU owned by Valdi?

P/s: I saw the announcement now, currenly Valdi only accept GPU from datacenter.