Storj at Hacker Halted conference Atlanta!

Storj Labs’ very own Jocelyn Matthews just took the podium.
So excited to hear this talk!


Keep us posted on your thoughts :slight_smile:

Reach out to Jocelyn if you have a venue to help her spread the word for empowering women in technology.


Loving the live blog!


Use @ next to username to tag them @rml52 << like that :slight_smile:

Thank you for bringing diversity and inclusion to the forefront of a talk.
You opened my mind regarding anonymity and hiding while online. I have only ever thought about users hiding while being negative but the thought of a woman hiding her gender to make it in a male dominated industry is a concept I haven’t thought of before.

Thank you for your contributions to Storj, decentralized networks, and equality!


aw thanks @rml52 thats really so nice to hear. thank you.


Nice! will there be any other meet this week?

That was my only talk at Hacker Halted, but Shawn just spoke at Devcon V in Osaka, and I will be presenting at All Things Open over the weekend. Plus our VP of Compliance is also presenting a great talk at ATO. @kernelpatrick what region are you in? I can keep you in mind when we have vistiors to your region :slight_smile: